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Broadcast Date
13 May 1995
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection

Magazine programme for Pacific people.

The Asian Development Bank meeting ended in Auckland with an assurnce
from the bank that the needs of the small Pacific Islands will be catered fior.The
Pacific Islands were concerned that the ADB was moving its bussiness from
Vanatu to Manila. The Solomon Island Minister Christopher Arbec expressed
is concern.
- kaikōrero: Christopher Arbec
- kaikōrero: Tuvalu Finance Minister Beniamin Singer was quiet critical of the
bank's lending.
- kaikōrero: Michell Sato/ ADB President, acknowledge that there was a
drastic reduction in lending, that there was several reasons for doing what
they did.
- kaikōrero: Christopher Columbus Arbec/ Solomon Island Finance Minister
sounded a word of caution.
- kaikōrero: Fiji Minister of Finance.
- kaikōrero: ADB Vice President Peter Sullivan.
- kaikōrero: Christopher Arbec.......

Western Somoa's Director of Health Tuilealuasemi Doctor Anosa says a NZ
tourist was asked to leave the country because he was HIV positive, was a
first for W.Samoa.
- kaikōrero: Tuilealuasemi Doctor Anosa.

Indigenous land owners from the Russell iIslands group in the Solomon Islands
are trying direct protest action to stop a contraversal operation on Pabubu.
Local Greenpeace spokesman Laurence Markilly said the landowners are upset
that the logging company is polluting their stream which is there only sauce of water.
- kaikōrero: Lawrence Markilly talks about the tense situation on Pabubu.