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Broadcast Date
15 Jul 1995
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Filiato, Ted
Dowiyogo, Bernard
Hungkin, F.Eddie
Mitchell, Robin
Temiko, Pulei

Magazine programme about Pacific People.

AK JUDICIARY: An Auckland based Samoan lawyer is calling on the Judiciary
to appoint Pacifc Islanders as Judges. Ted Filiato a member of the Auckland
District Law Society Eqaul Employments Opportunies Committee says it is
scandulous that thier is no Pacific Islander on the Judges bench in New Zealand.
- kaikōrero: Ted Filiato......

NAURUS PRESIDENT: The President of Nauru Bernard Dowiyogo who is in
New Zealand at the moment spoke with Prime Minister Jim Bolger and trade
Minister Don McKinnon to advance relations between the two countries and
discuss several issues including a loan to build a new Hospital. The President
spoke to Radio NZ's International Linda Skates whilst in Wellington.
- kaikōrero: Prime Minister of Nauru /Bernard Dowiyogo

AMERIACA;S CONGRESSMAN: Filamavago Eddie Hungkin has introduced a
resolution in the US house of representation calling on the French Goverment to
stop its nuclear testing programme in the South Pacific.
Congressman Hungkin said Frances intentrion to resume testing in Frances
Mururoa Attoll has resulted in deep outrage and alarm in the countrys region.
- kaikōrero: Congressman Filamavago Hungkin speaking to his resolution.

SOUTH PACIFIC GAMES: The South Pacific Games to be held in Tahiti next
month (Auguist 1995) is in doubt after France's decision to resume its nuclear
testing. Many Pacific Island countries are treating to Bycott the games while
French Polynesia pro independant groups have treatened the safety of the
games athaletes....... RNZI Kent Caddcik reports.........
- kaikōrero: Dr.Robin Mitchell Secretary General says sport and boycott
don't always work.
- kaikōrero. Pulei Temiko Western Samoa's Minister of Sport says their decision
to boycott the games is more than just a political ploy.

NB: the researcher apologies for the incorrect spelling of some Pacific names.