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Broadcast Date
16 Sep 1995
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Poutasi, K. O. (Karen Olive), 1949-
Price, Matt
Smale, Jim
MaUa, Elma Ngatokoa, 1948-2010

Magazine programme for Pacific People.

Overcrowding has become a problem in Kiribati particularly in the capital of
Tarawa. .New Zealand Foreign Affairs Officials held discussion on overseas
aid to Kiribati funding for education and training comprises the bulk of NZ aid to
the Pacific Island country. One concern for the country is the over crowding
of Tarawa and as a result Kiribati people are being encouraged to resettle in the
outer islands.

- kaikōrero: Matt Price of the Foreign Affairs Office spoke with Sam Thompson
and said that the New Zealand Goverment was lending a hand in developing the
resettlement programme for the Kiribati Goverment.

The Ministry of Health is working hard to ensure that Pacific people get the
best health service available. Newly appointed CEO Karen Poutasi spoke about the
work that had been done for Pacific Health there are still many of gaps.
- klai kōrero: Karen Poutasi spoke to Moera Tuilaepa about the gaps and the
particular needs that Pacific people require.

The Vianard Van Foundation was set up some forty years ago by a man who
made his wealth by selling oil barrells.When he died he left his wealth to human
beings in general in particular to small children. In the past thirty years the
foundation has focus on children around the world. It provides funding and
support for the development of low cost community based inititives and early
childhood care and education....Tthe foundations focus isd on indigenous
cultures and supports hundreds of major projects over fourty countries. In New
Zealand the foundation supports "Anoaka Pacifica" the home based early
childhood programme for Pacific communities that operates from Tokoroa, and
the Whakatane based parenting skills, "Kai Awhina". A confernce was held in
Rotorua on the cultural impact of social change on Early Childhood Eduation.
Delegates from Malaysia, New Zealand and Australia attended the conference.
- kaikōrero: Jim Smale the foundation representative spoke about projects for
and about young people around the world.
- kaikōrero: Margaret Valadein who works at the Aboriginal Education Centre
at the University of Woolongong attended the conference is looking at setting up
a training centre for managers in Aboriginal services particular in rural and remote
areas. She speaks with Elma Ma'ua.