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Broadcast Date
30 Sep 1995
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection

Magazine programme for Pacific people.

- PROBLEM CHILDREN: The problems Principals and teachers have had
with children suffering social problems at home and school will be eased by a
new programme put out by the Albany Campus department of Social Policy
and Social work. The department has put social workers into three North
Shoe primary schools to help Principals deal with children suffering from sexual
and physical abuse.
- kaikōrero Dr.Rajengh Prasaad (Dept Assosiate Professor and Project
Director speaks with Elma about the lack of services which use to be available
but no longer.

DE-COLONISATION: Since WW2 decolonisation brought one hundred new
indepenant countries into the world community. Half have populations of One
Million or less, twenty nine of these small counries are Commonwealth, fourteen
with under 200 thousand people.
Ten years ago five of these small island states formed an alliance to ensure that
their speacial needs where heard by the bigger states. On the 16th October, Nauru
the Cook Islands, Niue, Kiribas and Tuvalu will meet in Niue to discuss issues which
will include extending their membership to the Marshall Isalnds, Palou, and the
Federated states of Micronesia.
- kaikōrero: Frank Luie, Nuie Premier speaks to Sam T hompson about issues
they will be discussing at the October meeting.
PACIFIC STUDENTS participation in New Zealand education is increasing, but
acheivment levels are still lower than among other ethnic groups.
Pacific avisor Lesialatonga Tio speaks about the report on Pacific Islands people
in New Zealands education.
- kaikōrero: Mrs Tonga Tiro says that Pacific peoples need to send their children to
Pacific Island Early Childhood centres.

VAKA RACE: The prestigious "Molakai Hoe" is an annual vaka race held off the
coast of Oahu in Hawaii. It is set to start 10th October , winds, tides and currents
permitting. It begins at Molokai Ranch and fionishes on the beach of Waikiki.
- Andy Williams speaks about the vaka and the paddlers. The top teams usually
takes five hours, providing tides etc are all ok. He also explains the seating and the
support boat......................programme ends