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Broadcast Date
28 Oct 1995
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Richards, Reece
Ete, Maiava Eteuati, 1962-

Magazine Programme for Pacific People.

CHOGM: Small Island states are gearing up for the Commonwealth Heads of
Goverments meeting to be held in Auckland Nov 1995. On the eve of the
meeting a meeting will be held with heads of the 29 small states of which a
quarter are situated in the South Pacific.

- kaikōrero: Elma Ma'ua reports on the small states. The small island of Nuie
where the population is 2000 people hosted the Goverment leaders or
representatives of the Cook Islands, Tuvalu, Kiribus, Naru, and Papua New
Guinea. The was to discuss problems facing small Pacific Islands and to elect
a spokesperson for the CHOGM meeting.

The Cook Island and Nuie are represented by New Zealand and have been
invited because of the geographic location of this years meeting.

- kaikōrero: Terry Coe/Minister of Finance Nuie talks with Elma about thier issues,
Extension of the airport and the Matavae Resort..........
- kaikōrero: Naru spokesperson Lia Keke, Presidential Council on phosphate.
- kaikōrero: Kamuta Latasi / Prime Minister of Tuvalu on over population.
- kaikōrero: Tebororo Seto /President of Kiribas is spokesperson for the small
Island States, says all small states all exprience the same problems.
ends with an Island waiata from Nuie.

CREATIVE NEW ZEALAND: has allocated $250.000.00 to fund speacial Pacific
Island Arts inititives. To oversee the funding positions the Council has appointed a
nine member Pacific Island Arts Committee headed by a wellknown poet and author
Albert Wendt. Creative NZ advisor Etuati Ete syas the meeting ha met to consider
applications and has allocated some of he funds.........
- kaikōrero: Etuati Ete.

TEN grants up to $25000.00 have been awarded for private sector training
programmes under the South Pacific Development Assisting Facility (SPDF)
funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
- kaikōrero: Reece Richards talks to Moera Tuilaepa about why the programme
started...........................progamme ends.