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Broadcast Date
17 Feb 1996
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Admin, Annie Ela, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Anae, Melani, Speaker/Kaikōrero

Magazine programme about Pacific people.

DRINKING and Driving: From 1991 through to 1993 alcohol played a major part in road accidents, some eight hundred people were killed. Forty eight per cent were aged between fifteen and twenty four, and 80% were males. Over the next few weeks, actors will deliver a powerful message about the consequences of drinking and driving to secondary students around Auckland Schools. The play "One more for the road".... devised by a theatre company "Pacific Theatre" targets at risk groups which have not responded to more tradional educational approaches eg "broadcasting,
- kaikōrero: Annie Ela Admin, Auckland Regional Road Safety co-ordinator talks about the reasons for the tour.

NZ Born Samoans: Melani Anae is a New Zealand Samoan and is studying
anthropology at Auckland University and is doing her thesis on NZ born
Samoans for her PHD.
- kia kōrero: Melanie Anae speaks with Sam Thompson about her reasons
for taking up Anthropology and others issues such as education and identity.

PACIFIC learning Symposium: This symposium was held to address educational issues affecting Pacific students in New Zealand and the Pacific. The hui was hailed as a huge success by the Organising Committee, and most of the two hundred attending stated that the two days was not enough to get through all the issuess.
- kaikōrero: Patrick O'Connor, Director of the Christchurch Pacifica Education and Employment Training Organisation spoke with Elma Ma'ua on his reaction to the Symposium.

ENVIROMENTAL ISSUES: There is a grwoing awareness of Enviromental
issues amongst Pacific Island countries especially the effect of "minning and logging". More and more Pacific people are speaking out against the enviromental damage caused by minning and logging activities mainly involving multi-national companies. Greenpeace says that there is also a growing movement to supress the people speaking out against damaging mining and logging practices.
- kaikōrero: Denise France? Greenpeace spokesperson based in FIJI says
it is worrying that some Pacific Island Goverments are using the Police and Army to suppress opposition to minning and logging activities in the region especially Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

Programme ends.........