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Broadcast Date
09 Mar 1996
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Bolger, Jim, 1935-
Iosua, Ioane
Viviarei, Jim
Lay, Graeme, 1944-

Magazine Programme about Pacific People.

FIJI FINANCE MINISTER: Berenadoe Vunibombo
There is a growing trade deficient between FIJI and New Zealand according to
statistics during the first nine months of 1995. FIJI's export to New Zealand
were 11million dollars while New Zealand was the second biggest source of
import from FIJI at almost 51 Million dollars. FIJI's Finance Minister VVunibombo
says he is concerned about the growing trade deficient.
- kaikōrero: Berenadoe Vunibombo speaks with Sam Thompson about his trade
concerns for FIJI.

- Thirty seven top all round scholars from the 1995 Bursary Examinations were
presented with their certificates scholarships cheques by the Prime Minister Mr.
Jim Bolger . For the third year in a row scholarships were provided by the
National Bank of New Zealand as part of its sponsership agreement with the NZ
Qualifications Authority....NZQA initiated the top scholar awards when it became
responsible for busary examinations in 1990. Presenting the awards the Prime
Minister enclosed a personal letter of congratulations and said one should always
aim for the highest possible goals knowing that anything else will bring less awards.
- kaikōrero: Prime Minister Jim Bolger spoke about the messages he gave out to
kaikōrero: Justine Drake/ Samoan (top male Pacific scholar).

TOKELAU COLONISATION: Tokelau is considering the issue of de-colonisation
and SELF goverment At present it is being administered by New Zealand. However
Tokelauns living in New Zealand want a say in the political process and is calling for
representation in the countrys fourty five member FONO. There are more tokelauns
living in New Zeland than onthe Atoll itself. About Seven thousand live in Auckland
and abaout Two thousand on the Atoll. The New Zealand Tokelaun National Association Chairman, Ioane Iosua said that they want representatives on the FONO to
ensure the views of Telauans living in New Zealand are taken into account.
- kaikōrero: Ioane Iosua.

COOK ISLAND ARTIST: Cook Island Artist Jim Viviarei ? is enjoying success and
in 1995 he put together a succesfull exhibition of Pacific Artists living in New
Zealand called "Bottle Ocean".
kaikōrero: Jim Viviarei speaks about the spin offs he had from the exhibition.

PACIFIC NEW ZEALAND: The book Pacific New Zealand is long overdue
recognition of Pacific influence on New Zealand style covering fashion, sport, art
literature, music theatre and food. The book backgrounds NZ's unique blend of
European and Pacific cultures in all its colour , diversity and flair. The book was
written by Graeme Lay who was born in Foxton and grew up in Taranaki. He has
traveled extensively in the South Pacific and in recent years researching fiction
and non fiction.
- kaikōrero: Graeme Lay speaks with Elam Ma'ua about his reasons for writing the book Pacific New Zealand............

NB:The researcher apologises for the incorrect spelling of some Island names.