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Broadcast Date
16 Mar 1996
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Pera, Mr.
Perry, Lester
Sione, Manu
Richards, Vienna Sio

Magazine programme about Pacific People.

Rarotonga Banan growers are working hard to ensure their products are up to
scratch for importing to New Zealand. Cook Island bananas have not been on
the NZ market for some time and is naow about to change, following an inititive
by a New Plymouth Company, Webster Brother City Markets. In New Zealand
is the Vice President of the Rarotonga Banana Growers Tamaiaera Pera, he
speaks with Elma Ma'ua about his reasosns for being in New Zealand.
- kaikōrero: Mr. Pera.on Webster Brother City Markets offer.
- kaikōrero: Lester Perry on Cook Island export.

DISABILITY WORKERS: There is a call for Pacific Island people with Disabilities
to find out about job opportunities for them to tap into. The Christchurch work bridge
Centre Manager...Manu Sione said Pacific Island people need to broaden their
knowledge abouth opportunities available to them. Work Bridge is a Goverment
funded organisation which helps people with disabilities to get jobs or into training
to give them a skill to get into the work force.
- kaikōrero: Manu Sione said that few Pacific Island people have sought jobs
outside their communities.

POST ANTAL DISTRESS: Moves are underway in Auckland to provide information
to Pacific families on Post Natal Distress or(PAD).Studies have shown that around
20% of women who have babies will suffer Post natal Distress.
- kaikōrero: Vienna Sio Richards / co-ordinator Waitakere PND spoke with Elma
Ma'ua on what support is being provided for parents seuffering from PND.

Making sure Pacific children get quality education is the aim of the advisory group
appointed by NZ QA. CHAIRMAN of the group Karesa Tui Malosefalesoenga said
the group would monitor and acces the requirements for Pacific Island education
and report back to NZQA.
- kaikōrero: Karesa Tui Malosefalesoenga talks about what the group has been up
to since the inception of the committee.