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Broadcast Date
20 Apr 1996
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Millar, Sue
McKinnon, Don (b.1939)
Akcroft, Doug

Magazine programme about Pacific peoples.

FIJI ECONOMY: FIJI's senate heard critisim of the countrys economic performance.
A prominent Suva Accountant and member of the senate Adam Dixon and other
senators claimed the country's economy is in a slump and their has been no
significant investments dispite Goverments incentives. The leader of Goverment
bussiness Senator Philip Emboli ?? rejected the charges angrily saying its not true.
He said since the start of the tax free factory, tax free zone scheme which gives
thirteen week holidays and other concessions 73 million American dollars has
been invested in FIJI....Senator Emboli says the bulk of the investment is in
the garnment factory sector. There are indications that the garment sector is in a
slump as well with the majority of investors pulling out of FIJI, this includes NZ
Garment manufacturers who set up factories in the tax free zone.
the President of the Apparel and textile Federation of NZ Kerry Harding said
nearly all Nz garment manufactories have left FIJI because it is now too expensive
to manufacture garments there.
- kaikōrero: Kerry Harding spoke about what attracted NZ manufacturers to Fiji.

TURTLES: The International year of the "sea turtle" offically ended at the end of
March however some countries have said that they may continue a ban on killing
turtles. This was revealed at a meeting in Auckland attended by eighteen Pacific
countries. The year long campaign was co-ordinated by the South Pacific Reginal
and Enviromental porgamme "SPREP".
- kasi kōrero: Sue Millar spoke to SPRP co-ordinator about the aim of the meeting.

NZ aid programme: Ten grants were awarded for private sector training programmes
under the South Pacific Development Assistant Facility, part of the New Zealands
Aid programme. A toal of ninteen applications were submitted for assement in the
current round. The aim of the Pacific DAF is to encourage NZ organisations in the
development of training programmes between the private sectors of NZ and the
- kaikōrero: D on McKinnon Miniter od Island Affairs speaks with Elma Ma'ua
about the grant proposals.

MMP: The Electroal Commission is working hard to ensure Pacific people and other
ethnic groups fully understand MMP.(Mixed Member Propotional) system
The commissions Manager of Communications Doug Akcoft said with the old system
there was familiarity, however with general elections on the new MMP system it is
important to ensure that everyone who is eligible to vote understands.
- kaikorero: Doug Akcroft on awareness programme.

SAMOAN SONGS: The loss of traditional song and dance is a concern among
the Samoan Community. Some Samoan women have got together to see if they
can preserve Samoan songs to pass on to the younger generaion born in NZ.
It is a project taken up the the Samoan Council in NZ .
- kaikōrero: Francis Mor/President of the Council spoke on how they will revive
some of the traditional Samoan songs.