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Broadcast Date
07 Jun 1996
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Meredith, Tauiliiliwili
Smith, Kerin

Magazine programme about Pacific People.

PACIFIC ARTS FESTIVAL: The South Pacific Arts Festival is to be held in
Rarotonga September of this year 1996 and organisers are confidant that
everything will be ready for the big even in September.
- kaikōrero: TAUILIILIWILI Meredith / Festival chairperson says there are
a few things still to sort out, but they are not worried at this stage. some of the
islands are still a bit slow in coming forward.

PACIFIC LANGUAGE: Preserving Pacific Islands culture and languages,
increasing Pacific participation rates and improving Pacific achievments is part
of the Opposition Labour Party Education Policy released at the beginning of
this week. Pacific spokesperson Taito Phillip Field believes Pacific people
should also become more involved in their childrens education and is also
reflected in Labours Policy.
- kaikōrero; Tauto Phillip Field.

OVERWEIGHT PI MEN: Concern for the number of overweight men in New
Zealand has prompted five health organisations including the Cancer Society
and Heart Foundation to form a new group to tackle the problem.
Agencies for Nutrition problem known as "ANA" launched a progamme this
week which looked at educating people away from obesity and being overweight.
The National Heart Foundation Medical Director, Dr. Boyes Swinburn says the
programme can only be good for men who are overweight especially Māori
and Pacific Islanders.
- kaikōrero: Dr. Boyes Swinburn.....
- kaikōrero: Anatia Heatherfia talks about Diabetes and overwight men.

FIJI TELEVISION: FIJI control board sought poweers to censor all FIJI's
television film and production, the board also wanted full control over all paid
TV channels two of which are to go out on air this month. The proposed censor-
ship follows complaints by some viewers that many programme broadcasters during
peak hours are not suitable for children. One particular progamme alledgedly
compalinted about is NZ's Soap Opera "Shortland Street". Head of programmess
at FIJI1 Carolyn Jalol told Greg Tatare of NZRI that they had not received any
complaints that the goverment had always semmed happy with self regulation
and their programme standard.
- kaikōrero: Carolyn Jalol of FIJI 1.

SPORT: A conference for women in sport is being held in Wellington this week-
end. Two Hundred and fifty four women representing thirtyfour different sports
will attend the conference t sponsered by the Hillary Commission and ECNZ which
aims to extend and enhance leaders in sports.Hillary Commision General Manager
Kerin Smith says sports women are inheriately good leaders. Those who are
already doing the job have a tremendous amount to offer not only to sport but to
New Zealand as a whole.
- kaikōrero: Kerin Smith / General Manager Hillary commission.

Programme ends