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Broadcast Date
29 Jun 1996
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection

Magazine Programme about Pacific People.

29th JUNE: Family Planning: A conference examing the occupational Health and
Safety of Pacific Island People.
- Research into the making of kava.
- New image for Pacific Island elders in Christchurch.

- Childhood sexuality and sexual issues because of the nature of the subject is
difficult to discuss among Pacific Island communities largely becuase it is considered
"taboo". However now that the NZ Planning is making in roads into getting child
hood to parents and youths..... Sexual educator Diane Fuimana is broaching the
subject through "drama" encouraging both parents and youths to talk about the
sexual issues that is of concern to them.
- kaikōrero: Diane Fuimanu......communication breakdown bwtween parent and
children, thus a lot of teenage children pregantcys are happening / lack of
communication /subject is taboo within families / attitudes / values / church

HEALTH and SAFETY. A conference on Health and Safety for Pacific Islanders
within their work place was held in Auckland and was organised by the Pacific
Island Occupational Helath and Safety Association. The President of the
Association said the meeting was prompted by the number of high accidents in
work places amongst Pacific people and the nned to address the Management
of Health and Safety in changing times.
- kaikōrero: Tua Alaesi ...culture differnces / language barriers (techinical).

KAVA: Kava sales has become big bussiness in Pacific Island countries. FIJI
alone exports over twenty million dollars of the root crop annually and
phamacetically companies in Germany and Europe have been interested in
the medical properties of the kava. Recently a Pharmacutical company went
through the Pacific trying to contract kava growers to supply the firm. A University
Scienctist Professor Subumanium Cirpecburn ?? said the German companys
which buy the root crop extract kava lactose which is the used to manufacture
anti-depressant pills which are sold over the counter in Europe. The Professor has
been researching the possibility of setting up a factory in FIJI to manufacture the
anti-depresant pill themselves so that the farmers can get a better return for the
- kaikōrero: the Professor ?? NB unable to spell his name properly.

PACIFIC ELDERS: In Christchurh Pacific Island Elders patrolling the streets to
prevent PI youths from committing crime has become a common site. However in a
couple of weeks the Pacific Island Elders will become more visible as they will be
patrolling in uniform. They are all members of the Sulufainga Trust which was set up
on the request of Christchurch Police to tackle the problem of Pacific youths
forming into gangs.
- kaikōrero: Rev. Lapana Falatolu (a founder of the programme) explains
the success they have had with the elders patrolling Christchurch streets.

programme ends.