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Broadcast Date
06 Jul 1996
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection

Magazine programme about Pacific people.

TRADE RELATIONS: New Zealand's Minister of Commerce John Luxton
delivered a positive message about continuing trade between New Zealand
and FIJI at a conference held in SUVA. He also spoke about the long standing
partnership between the two countries. He said FIJI is NZ's largest Pacific
market for merchandize exports, with provisional figures for the Dec 1995 year
of One hundred and fifity seven point four million dollars. He also touched on
trade excess and the importance of Goverment providing clear steer on their
future economic intentions. He also assured FIJI New Zealansd would watch
with interest developments over the coming months as the review of the
Constitution nears completion.

- kaikōrero: Honourable John Luxton.

WORK BENEFITS: Changes to work benefits came into effect on the first July,
which was part of a package announced last year by the Goverment in responce
to the Employment task force. The basic change means that Income support
customers except for New Zealand superanutants can now earn $80's gross
before any reductions can be nmade to their benefit, previously it was $50.00,
those with children $60.00's.
In the past year Twenty three thousand six hundred Pacific Islanders have
registered for the Income support service......Elma Ma'ua talks to the Benefit
Manager in Wellington Pat Thomas.
- kaikōrero: Pat Thomas taks about what Pacific people need to do if they do
not understand the changes.

CHURCH HELP OUT: The Church plays a large part in the lives of Pacific people
and Church Ministers are now being urged to deal with Social issues of their Pacific
Island congration as well as their spiritual needs.
Edward Tanoi of the South Auckland Pacific Island Drug and Alcohol Service says
Church Ministers need to be more proactive when dealing with Social issues of
their congregation especially D & A problems. Church Minister are reluctant to
admitt to members having A & D problems.
- kaikōrero: Edward Tanoi talks about education programmes about D& A, and
inreasing peoples awarness of alcohol and drugs and the effect that it has.

PI DEVELOPMENT TRUST: There has been a call for the review of the Pacific
Island Bussiness Development Trust set up by Goverment. Labour spokesperson
on Pacific Island Affairs Taito Phillip Field made the call at the Pacific Island
Chamber of Commerce Bussiness Conference in Auckland.
- kaikōrero: Taito Phillip Field he says not enough is being done to promote
acific Island Bussiness, that Goverment has failed to recognise and support by
way of adequate funding for bussiness, that there had been quiet a reduction in
terms of funding in the last budget.

WHITIREIA DANCERS: Dancers from the Whitireia Polytechnic are causing a
sensation in the Solomon Islands. The dancers were invited to the Solomons by
the NZ's High Commissioner Reece Richards to help the country celebrate its
eighteenth birthday. The Governor General opened the celebrations in front of
Three thousand people, and according to him the highlight of the day was the
performance by the group from Porirua.
- kaikōrero: Rhys Richards NZ's High Commissioner to the Solomon Islands.