
[Māori programme 1975-07-09]

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Broadcast Date
09 Jul 1975
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Williams, Haare, 1940-, Producer
Lane, Chris, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Harawira, Titewhai, Speaker/Kaikōrero

A second programme looking at Auckland community discontent over the establishment last year of a police Task Force and the uneasy relationship between Māori and Pacific communities and the police.

Since its inception, the groups which have been vocal in opposing the Task Force have been Ngā Tamatoa, the Auckland Committee on Racism & Discrimination (ACORD), Citizen's Association for Racial Equality (CARE), the Polynesian Panthers Party (PPP) and the People's Union.

The groups have formed a coalition and monitored the activities of the Task Force, producing case histories, research reports, and news items of day-by-day activities of the force.

The groups predicted the Task Force would not reduce violence on Auckland streets, but add to it.

Today's programme features discussion by Chris Lane of ACORD and Titewhai Harawira of Ngā Tamatoa.

Kaikōrero: Chris Lane talks about the trivial crimes such as drunkeness, obscene language and offensive behaviour (public urination) which are used frequently by the Task Force to arrest young Maori and Pacific people.

Kaikōrero: Titewhai Harawira talks about the submissions Ngā Tamatoa made, joining the call for a public enquiry into the Task Force. She says it has created more violence and a hatred of the police. Ngā Tamatoa have been monitoring the Task Force's work and the disastrous impact it has had.

Chris Lane says no further investigation is needed - it is obvious the police Task Force is racist and discriminating against Māori and Polynesian people.
Mrs Harawira says tests of attitudes towards racism should be given to all new migrants to New Zealand and police recruits. She says many of our laws are old, British, Victorian laws and we should be writing our own laws that are relevant to New Zealand society.

Chris Lane says Auckland courts have not been able to cope with the increased number of arrests since the introduction of the Task Force.
Mrs Harawira notes that violence against the police is on the increase, as a result of the Task Force. She talks about the feeling of tension in hotels, generated by police.

[Excerpt: Recording of an unidentified male American speaker - possibly David Harris. Followed by singer Joan Baez talking about his imprisonment and singing "Joe Hill."]

Titewhai Harawira talks about the lack of respect young people are showing towards the police, because the police show them no respect.
Chris Lane agrees and says pākēha attitudes need to be examined.
Titewhai says no progress can be made while the police Task Force remains on the street.

Chris says the government is using the Māori and Polynesian population of Auckland as political footballs to win votes.