Ko Leo Fowler te kaikawe kōrero, ko Tuini Ngāwai rāua ko Ngoi Pewhairangi ngā manuhiri. Ka ui atu a Leo i roto i te reo Pākehā, ka whakautu a Tuini i te reo Māori, ā, nā Ngoi i whakapākehātia atu ki a Leo. I titoe e Tuiniaōna 500 waiata, i tīmata ia ki te tito waiata i mua i tana ekenga ki te 21, i mahi hoki ia ki Te Tari Mātauranga. Ka kōrero ia mō ana waiata kuti hipi, nāna te kī i tito ia i aua waiata hei whakaharakoa mā ngā iwi kaikuti hipi. Ka haere tonu ngā kōrero o Tuini mo ngā waiata i titoa e ia. Ka kōrero ia mō tana karapu a Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū, me tana mea kei roto i ō rātou ringa te oranga o ana waiata. Ka pātai a Leo mehemea ka mate rānei te ahurea Māori, ko te whakautu a Tuini, kao i te mea ahakoa kāore rātou i te kaha kōrero Māori e waiata ana rātou i te reo Māori. Ka kōrero a Tuini mō te whakataetae kapa haka i Tūranga. Hei mutunga, ka kōrero a Tuini mō ana waiata kuti hipi, hei tāna ko "aua waiata, he pēnei te hako i rō waiata" hei whakangahau i te hunga e mahi ana i ngā mahi taumaha o te kuti hipi.
Broadcaster Leo Fowler interviews Tuini Ngawai and Ngoingoi Pewhairangi about how Tuini started writing and composing her songs. [Leo Fowler asks his questions in English and Tuini replies in te reo Māori, with Ngoi translating her answers.] She composed over 500 songs, and was employed by the Education Department for two years. She was also renowned for composing a lot of songs during shearing season, for inspiration and enjoyment. Tuini speaks about different songs for different occasions, such as tangihanga, political, enjoyment and various other functions. Some of her compositions were reserved for whanau, some for the club and others are given away. Tuini also comments on kapa haka competition work.