Whenua! 1996-03-17

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Broadcast Date
17 Mar 1996
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
te Ua, Henare, 1933-2007
Hakaraia, Libby, 1968-
Cassells, Richard
Bader, Hans Dieter
Wharram, James
MaUa, Elma Ngatokoa, 1948-2010
Stephens, Tainui
Proctor, Esther
Davis, Tom, 1917-2007
McCurdy, Peter

(Part 1 of 2) NTK-WHE-960317-PM

By Hēnare te Ua and Libby Hakaraia presented live at the NZ National Maritime Museum, Hobson Wharf, Auckland. On National Radio.

Interview with Richard Cassels, Director of the Maritime Museum, speaks about our seafaring history.

Dr Hans-Dieter Bader, Co-ordinator, Vaka Symposium. Speaks about Maritime building and voyaging.

James Wharram aboard "Spirit of Gaia" is a legend amongst boat designers, boat builders and ocean-going sailors. Many thousands of his boats have been built. James has used the Polynesian double-hull principle in his designs.
He speaks with Elma Maua on board "Spirit Of Gaia" - (Gaia is an ancient term for the Old Earth Mother Goddess.)

Phone Interview; Bob Short [phone interview inaudible]

Tainui Stevens: "Storytellers of the Pacific" is the result of International collaboration. The series producer in New Zealand is Tainui Stevens.
Talks about some of the processes involved.

Esther Proctor - Volunteer at the Maritime Museum. Promoting coming events.

Phone Interview: Reverend Dr Konrad Raiser [phone interview inaudible]

Pa Tuterangi Sir Thomas Davis talks to Elma Maua at the Auckland Maritime Museum, about the Takitumu Canoe and the Cook Islands. In addition, the women's role during ocean voyages.

Peter McKearney curator at the Museum speaks to Libby about the collection of Maritime artefacts.

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