
Whenua. 03/11/96 ( Part 2 of 2 )

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Broadcast Date
03 Nov 1996
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
te Ua, Henare, 1933-2007
Stephens, Tainui
Walters, Muru
Hakaraia, Libby, 1968-
Knight, Stephen

WHENUA ! 03/11/96 ( Part 2 of 2 )

Presented by Hēnare te Ua from the Radio New Zealand Studios, Auckland, on National Radio.

Greetings / prog promo & rundown.

Studio Guest : TAINUI STEVENS.
Our renowned New Zealand pianist Michael Houston is featured on Television New Zealand's WORK OF ART series tonight.
'Icon in B minor' portrays many aspects of the genius, character and creativity of composer, Franz Liszt.
The concept for tonight's feature stemmed from the creative talent of TVNZ Māori Department Producer, TAINUI STEVENS. Tainui's a classical pianist in his own right. He quashes a popularly held concept that Māori Producers - television and radio - are limited only to their specialist areas.
'Icon in B minor' roundly debunks that concept!
TAINUI STEVENS is with me now in our Whenua ! studios.

Kupu Korikori : A personal opinion with the Rt Rev Bishop Muru Walters speaks about Christmas, Christ and expresses concern at what he sees to be a growing incidence within Māoridom of the place of Io as the supreme being.

International Māori : LIBBY HAKARAIA.
Libby is travelling through Laos en route to Ho Chi Minh City on an Asia 2000
Travel grant and already, she's interviewed people and prepared reports especially for Whenua !, something which she'll continue to do over the next three of four weeks.

The 7th Festival of Pacific Arts recently ended in Western Samoa. As with the previous Festivals, this country, Aotearoa, was well represented in a wide cross section of performing and ststic arts.
Former broadcaster and colleague STEPHEN KNIGHT travelled to Apia and I asked him to record sounds of the festival. From Stephen's tapes, my engineer JOHN JONES compiled the following 11minute soundscape.
You'll hear sounds of Fijian dancing, Spanish folk music from Guam, Fijian chanting, sounds of a Chinese-style ribbon dance,Solomon Islands flute music, sounds from Papua New Guinea and a Fijian farewell song.

Wrap up / Close