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Broadcast Date
04 Apr 2006
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Aperahama, Ruia

News in Māori with Amomai Pihema.

- kaikōrero: Anaru Rangiheua re Te Arawa lakes, Goverment fundind
- kaikōrero: Ben Waitai/Ngāti Kuri..... Ahu Moana Māori
- kaikōrero: Quinton Hita re new Hotaka programme / Kupu Huna
- kaikōrero: Mere Boyton re Toi Māori pukenga for the Tairawhiti area.
HAKINAKINA with Te Kauhoe Wano..... League / Rugby / Basketball / Golf
PIRIWIRITUA: whakamoemiti / mihimihi...programme update
- waiata: Ko te tangi a te manu korihi / Ruia
- unidnetified speaker
- waiata: Kei te haere mai a Hana Hoko...
- weather forcast...
- waiata: Rongo ana te wairua
- waiata: Uia, uia kia piri te rangi ?
PANUI a Rohe: Car koi ki te Pareamata mai Te Tai Tokerau re Māori Election
- Otangaroa marae Kapa Haka hui
- AFS intercultural programme seeks homestay for oversea students.
- Unveiling for Maui Delvanus Prime....
- waiata: Kara whiua taku poi......
- waiata: Kei hea koe e hine kei ngaro???
- KOHINGA KōRERO na Te Kauhoe Wano......kanukunuku was the word used
by Shane Jones to explain Don Brash's negative towards the Māori seats.
- One needs to startt at the beginning to get to the top
- Indian Prime Minister selected to govern Fiji
- celebration / womens week, men still have top positions over women
- Te Arawa pleased that pakeha have a solution to clean their lakes
- support for the Māori Party
- unidentified speaker.
- waiata: Kei hea taku reo / Whirimako Black.
- kaikōrero: Dave KaireTumata Kuru speaks against tohu being given out to
Māori or Pakeha during the Meretuahiahi event in terms of recognition for their
contribution to their mahi during their year/s.......programme ends.