1. HEADMASTER - Napier people reacting to the news that Teresa Cormack died from suffocation after being sexually molested.. TREVOR CAMPBEL/MARIE COLLINGS..00:02:48. MAYOR - thinks more police needed to combat the increasing crime rate..DAVE PREBENSEN/MARIE COLLINGS..00:02:00. PSYCHIATRIST - suggests likely profile of the offender..PROFESSOR PAUL MULLEN/GLYN JONES..00:02:10.
2. SOUTH KOREA - lull in protests..WILLIAM HORSLEY..00:52:00.
4. BAVADRA - has meeting with 23 members of his former govt..RICHARD NAIDU/DAVID HINES..00:03:02. CAMERON - Dr Bavadra due to launch legal challenge..DR JOHN CAMERON/FRASER FOLSTER..00:01:21. FIJI - two Chch brothers claim they're raising money to buy arms for a revolt..SARAH FRASER..00:00:56.
5. NZ DEMOCRATS - conference ended yesterday..RICHARD GRIFFEN..00:02:17.
6. WHALING - Commission has important meeting in Britain..IAN STEWART..00:02:10.
8. MāORI LAND CASE - decision expected soon..MERLE NOWLAND..00:01:28.
9. ALLIANCE - between the Liberal and Social Democratic parties was on brink of collapse..KEITH CHALKLEY.
11. NATIONAL PARTY - economic policy expected soon..RICHARD GRIFFIN..00:03:03.
12. CHEAP OIL - service station owner's claims he can reduce fuel cost..RORY NEWSAM..00:01:51.
13. TRIPARTITE - second round of talks between Govt/Unions/Employers begins tonight..KERRYANNE EVANS..00:01:48.
14. CLOTHES - NZ manufacturers welcome moves to ease trading restrictions..RORY NEWSAM..00:01:36.
15. MYSTERY - case of British visitor to Zimbabwe whose body was discovered recently in a hospital in Harare...four months after he died there..TREVOR CRUMBIE..00:00:58.
16. OUTRO.