Morning report. 1987-07-07. 07:00-08:00.

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
07 Jul 1987
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

1. LEADER - political analyst is NOT surprised to learn that this poll has shown that having Sir Robert as leader again would make little overall difference to National supportters' voting intention..PROFESSOR KEITH JACKSON/TED FROST..00:01:22. BOLGER - Jim Bolger has firmly established himself as head of the national Party..RICHARD GRIFFIN..00:02:04.
2. MARGARET WILSON - believes gap between the two major parties will close in the run-up to the general election..PAUL PATRICK..00:01:54.
3. SIMON WALKER - maintaining his low-key response to the embarrassing situation that he admits he's been put in..CAROLINE GAISHAUSER..00:01:00.
4. OZ ELECTIONS - leader of Aust National Party says a Liberal/National coalition govt might put economic pressure on NZ to rejoin ANZUS..KAREN FISHER..00:02:36.
6. FIJI FALVEY - note of cautious optimism form Fiji about possible end to the stalemate between wupporters of ousted govt and ethnic Fijian sympathisers of Colonel Rambuka..SIR JOHN FALVEY/MARK HANNAN..00:02:31.
7. GOULD - US Embassy in Wellington says its sick and tired of claims by peace groups and political activists that America was involved in the coup in Fiji.. MIKE GOULD/MARK HANNAN..00:01:45
8. IRRADIATION - second day of hearing..MIKE HAGLER..00:03:41.
9. DISABLED - Employers Fed says employers must develop a practical policy on disabled people in the workplace..CAROLINE GAISHAVSER..00:01:54.
11. NUN - British millionaire opens new sports hall at a school in the English midlands, paid for by money he lost in a bet with a nun.
12. MANA - National Party will within a week have ten Māori candidated to contest the coming genral election..ANDY GREGORY..00:01:58.
13. ROCKY CRIBB - told talkback host it's clearly becasus of the Māori Loans Affair that the National Party central organisation didn't want him as a candidate..ROCKY CRIBB/GEORGE BALANI..00:01:53 J.
15. TRADE - US has today provided encouraging news for agricultural free-braders..RICHARD LING..00:01:32.
16. TRIAL - Louisa Damodran murder trail goes into its second day..DAVID BALHAM..00:01:12.
17. KEIGHLEY - Oppsition Employment spokesman is claiming a thousand job training places in Sth Ak are to be scrapped..ANDREW MELVILLE..00:01:35.
18. ACCESS - Bill Birch has defended his use of the leaked document from Auckland Access training scheme organisers..BILL BIRCH..00:31:00. Employment Minister says shere should be a re-evaluation made of Sth Aks budget..PHIL GOFF..00:31:00.
19. CHURCHES - leaders ofl country's main churches strongly opposed to any moves by the National Party to hold a referendum on the re-introduction of capital punishment.
20. CENSUS - predictions are underway in Turkey for a national population census on Sunday..DAVID BANFORD..00:01:00.