Morning report. 1987-09-29. 07:00-08:00.

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
29 Sep 1987
RNZ Collection
Barry, Maggie, 1959-, Presenter
Hill, Kim, 1955-, Presenter
Reich, Dennis, 1947-1995, Editor
Vennell, Caroline, Producer
Hudson, Brian, 1937-2010, Producer
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

1. FIJI LEAD - Rambuka delays announcement of line-up of new council... FOLSTER/VOICER....00:02:53
2. FIJI/DICKIE - Rambuka closes down Ratu Sir Penaia's options...JOHN DICKIE ...00:03:31
3. ANDERTON - Marshall says no rush into sanctions against Fiji...PEREIRA/I/V ANDERTON...00:02:54
4. DOUGLAS - Unions consider reintroducing trade bans against Fiji...PEREIRA/I/V DOUGLAS...00:02:44
5. HAYDEN - Hayden rules out economic sanctions against Fiji..DOBELL...00:01:49
6. MARSHALL-LIVE - i/v Russell Marshall...MARSHALL/LIVE...00:03:10
7. GULF - Warning to shipping in the Gulf...BEEB/MUIR...00:01:19
8. DOCTORS FEES - Funding family doctor services met with mixed reaction...NEWSAM/ACT;TONY BAIRD...00:02:06
9. WAIKUNE 4 SALE - Waikune prison for sale...HANNAN/ACT;GRAHAM HARVEY..00:01:36
10. RUATORIA - Deps hearing of policement in Gisborne court..COLLINGS/GS..00:02:16
11. NBR - Aussie deal to by National Business Review...EAGLES/WOOLIAMS..00:36:00
12. LABOUR - Preparation for next challenge facing Labour Party..GREGORY. 00:01:51
13. CONFERENCE - In Britain opposition Labour Party opens conf..BBC/ROBERTSON.. 00:01:18
14. CLERICAL - Wage round begins - SPIRO/ACT NEIL MCPHAIL JOHN SLATER..00:02:08
15. A.N.C. - Tambo says stop necklace killings in SA..IAN MILLS/BBC...00:01:05
16. COMPUTERS - Kids from poor areas missing out on education..RODENBURG/ACT;COOPER....00:01:19
17. TOURISTS - Small number of NZrs have cancelled trips to Fiji..PROCTER/IV STEELE...00:02:15/00:01:30
18. HAYDEN-2 - Hayden attacks Sir Joh for supporting Fiji coup...READER ITEM/AAP....00:00:33