1. TEACHERS - country unions meet other unions today..RODENBURG/ALLEN/WOOLLEN 00:04:05
2. O'CONNOR/SHARES - analyst says yesterday's fall in share index doen't [i.e. doesn't] indicate drop in investor confidence..NEWSAM/O'CONNER..00:02:24.
3. PREBBLE - wants Fiji to re-establish normal relations with NZ..DE LORE VOICER..00:01:47.
5. ELECTRICITY - confusion over power prices expected to be settle today..NEWSAM VOICER..00:01:34.
6. THATCHER - agrees to meet some members of the Health Unions involved in planned national strike..CHALKLEY/WRAP/THATCHER ACTUALITY..00:01:46.
7. LEBANON - another Westerner kidnapped..00:01:09.
8. NZEI - new primary school year will be disruped [i.e. disrupted] as teacher stop work..rodenburg/mckenzie..00:02:09.
9. SHELL - too early to predict motorists reaction to removal of Formula [i.e. of Formula] Shell additive..NEWSAM VOICER..00:01:26.
10. A R A - major government report due nex [i.e. next] week on organisation of local and regional government..CLARK..00:02:58.
11. GELDOFF - says he never]intended his Band-Aid programme to last for so long..GELDOFF..00:01:43.
12. NEWS [07:30am] & SPORT
13. FARMER - West Coast farmer anxiously waiting for developments after a mortgagee sale of his property yesterday failed to attract any bids..GRAFTON/HINES..00:01:48. MORTGAGEE - Chairman of the farmers's [i.e. farmers'] Provincial Support group concerned about the attempted sale..BLAKE/HINES..00:01:10.
14. DEVOLUTION - winston Peters accused govt of undermining Māori economic development..DE LORE/PETERS WRAP..00:02:04.
16. TOBACCO - plans to call in overseas researchers to investigate just how much tobacco smoke contributes to indoor air pollution..THOMPSON/RODENBURG..00:02:24.
17. CANCER INQUIRY - adjourned for last time..CARTWRIGHT/KINGSTON WRAP. 00:02:27.
18. NEGOTIATIONS - Coalcorp and Miners Union reach stalemate..MCKENZIE. 00:01:32.
19. CHURCH - Anglican Church in Auckland facing drastic spending cuts..WATSON VOICER..00:00:59.
20. YES PM - also compulsory viewing for Indian politicians and bureaucrats..RANJAN GUPTA VOICER..00:01:14.
21. BRITAIN PROPERTY - garage in Mayfair valued at 310,000 dollars...