Morning report. 1988-04-28. 07:00-08:00.

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Broadcast Date
28 Apr 1988
RNZ Collection
Kim Hill, 1955-, Presenter
Geoff Robinson, Presenter
National Radio (N.Z.) 1986-2007, Broadcaster

1. DATEBANK - Business as usual today..SHARLAND/WALTERS/HOGG..00:02:52.
2. HEP B CHEAP SHOT - Dr Steven Hadler of the Disease Control in USA has been called in to help dispel anxiety about the safety of the vaccine..HADLER/GAISHAUSER/00:02:08 CHEAP SHOT RESPONSE - spokesman for Smith Kline and French says the pamphlet in question says some people..though not his own company..have associated the plasma-based vaccine with a theoretical risk..
3. BRIERLEY NZI - Brierley severing its links with NZI..VERSCHAFFELT..00:01:56.
4. MāORI COURT - first criminal hearing to he heard in Māori ends with discharges for the accused..MAHER/NOWLAND..00:02:38.
6. CALEDONIA - ever-higher level of controntation between militant Kanak separatists and the French colony's rulers. RICHARD HARMON..00:04:33. CALEDONIA MARSHALL - Foreign Affaris Minister says NZs offer to play a constructive role in resolving the problems in New Caledonia still stands. FISHER I/V..00:03:09.
7. PETROL - Commerce commission has been called in to invewstigate claims that oil companies are already moving to limit competition within the industry..NEWSAM/MCDONALD/RUSSELL..00:03:31.
9. PASSPORTS - photo-copies of passports belonging to NZ tourists in Japan are being used to bring often sub-standard cars into this country..AKEROYD/DYSON..00:02:24.
10. CARRAGREEN - Chch company that was declared illegal in Oz but which was able to continue aggressively marketing currency futures in NZ, was would up in the High court yesterday..MCNEILL..00:02:13.
12. LANGE IN BELGIUM - PM continues his mission in support of this country's bid to retain butter access to Britain at a lower pitch than yesterday..RICHARD GRIFFIN LIVE..00:03:05.
13. EDWARDS - An Auckland Pacific Island leader has applauded the govts decision to reward..EDWARDS/PATRICK..00:01:39.
14. AFFILIATE - Trade unions affiliated to the Labour Party will be debating alternatives to the economic policy at their conference..JACKMAN..00:02:00.
15. CTV COMPLETE - contenders shaping up for what promises to be the first in a newly-deregulated television industry..00:02:30.
16. CLYDE - dispute over a new site agreement is now in its ninth week.. BUNTING/THOMAS..00:01:30.