Morning report. 1988-05-13. 07:00-08:00.

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Broadcast Date
13 May 1988
RNZ Collection
Hill, Kim, 1955-, Presenter
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Lee, Michael, Editor
Watts, Cheryl, Producer
Johanson, Debra, Producer
Moody, Graeme, 1951?-2011, Sports presenter
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

1. SEARCH - Ground search party looking for light plane missing in rugged hill country north of Wanganui...NECKLEN LIVE...00:02:20
2. EYEWITNESS - Seen by beekeeper John Milnes five minutes before it was due to land...TINO I/V MILNES...00:01:43
3. PRIVATISE - Wants government to speed up its asset sales programme...VERSCHAFFELT/JENNINGS...00:03:6
4. FIJI - Fiji's leaders proclaiming republic has made good start on an economic road to recovery, one year after military coup...FRASER FOLSTER VOICER...00:02:14
6. ACC/BAIRD - Mixed reaction to Law Commission report into Accident Compensation Scheme...GAISHAUSER I/V BAIRD...00:03:33
7. ACC/POOLE - Employers Federation critical of recommendation for flat rate for levies...POOLE I/V EX CHKPT
8. ACC/WILSON/LIVE - Secretary of Harbour Workers Union, Ross Wilson, in studio...WILSON LIVE IN STUDIO...00:04:44
9. ACC PALMER - Government reaction to ACC report cautious...PAUL J/I/V PALMER...00:01:30
11. DRUG POWERS - Palmer outlines planned powers for seizing assets of criminals involved in major drug trafficking...OWEN/PALMER I/V...00:02:36
12. GANGS - Dennis O'Reilly says he's disappointed the government is resorting to legislation to deal with a social problem...GEE/O'REILLY...00:01:44
14. PHILBY - Jim Philby's son on his way to Moscow for father's funeral...CHALKLEY/CHAPMAN PINCHER I/V...00:01:39
15. DENMARK - Denmark's key parties heads locked in negotiations over formation of next goverment...WAYNE/VOICER...00:01:17
16. ACCESS - Conservation Corps draws criticism from variety of groups who say proposed low pay rates unerealistic..MCQUILLAN/JONES...00:02:35
17. FREEFONE - Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries completed preparations to extend system for dealing with threats of animal disease emergancies...TED/BOLLAND I/V...00:01:49
18. CHURCHER - Forum in Palmerston North over next three days. where a group representing big portion of New Zealand's churches will work out their response to social issues..GORMACK/CORMICK WRAP...00:01:17
19. CYCLISTS - Two New Zealand men rescued fronm remote spot in Australian outback after becoming lost on bicycle trip...DUNCAN/AK/I/WIFE...00:01:25