Morning report. 1988-07-21. 07:00-08:00.

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Broadcast Date
21 Jul 1988
RNZ Collection
Kim Hill, 1955-, Presenter
Geoff Robinson, Presenter
Dennis Reich, 1947-1995, Editor
Trish Green, Producer
Cheryl Watts, Producer
Gary Ahern, Sports presenter
National Radio (N.Z.) 1986-2007, Broadcaster

1. NAMING - Justice Minister attacks Jim Bolger for abusing Parliamentary privilege..BARTLEY WRAP..00:03:25.
2. GOODMAN - Fielder Wattie has made a 3 point 2 billion dollar bid to takeover the UK food giant Ranks Hobis McDougall..BUDDEN/VERSCHAFFELT..00:03:42.

[Recording stops and picks up after item 13.]

3. TITEWHAI - Harawire wins international support for her cause in New York..LESSING..00:02:25.
4. IRAN CEASEFIRE - Secretary General of the United Nations is sending a technical team to Iran and Iraq to speed up the implementation of the UN ceasefire resolution...O'TOOLE..00:01:03.
6. PAREMOREMO - prison officers have banned six kaumatua from visiting, saying they regard them as activists who stire up Mongrel mob inmates..BALL..00:02:11.
7. COSTS - massive increases in spending by MPs on franked postaged have been revealed.. DE LORE..00:01:31.
8. TROTTER - Sir Ronald has criticised the govts action on social policy reform.. TROTTER/VERSCHAFFELT..00:03:16.
9. MINE - Coalcorp has recorded a 00:03:9 million dollar after-tax profit in its first year of operation...NEWSAM..00:02:25.
10. FLIGHT - crew on a diverted Air NZ flight talked down a Cessna pilot who got into difficulties when he was flying over Dunedin last night..NEASON/LILLEY..00:02:30.
12. HODGE - a constitutional lawyer is backing the govt in its policy of keeping secret the results of tenders for public work.. HODGE/HANNA. 00:01:50.
13. FIJI/MARSHALL - Russell is calling on the Fiji Govt to let its emergency regulations introduced earlier this year, lapse.. MARSHALL/JACKMAN..00:01:59.

[Recording begins half way through the following NZ/Soviet Union item]

14. MOSCOW - NZ/Soviet Union linked by radio for a discussion on what's now popularly known as perestroika and glasnost.. PODAKIN/PEREIRA..00:02:12.
16. RULES - unions are racing against the clock to meet the requirements of the new Labour Relations Act..SHARLAND..00:01:48.
17. POUTMA - Trust which has been established by govt to assist Māori economic development was officially launched at Parliament last night..BARTLEY/WARD-HOLMES..00:02:28.
18. SAYERS - an advisor for the Ngai Tamarawaho people of Tauranga has taken Sir Robert Muldoon to task for the way his govt handled Māori claims..DEE/SAYERS..00:01:39.
19. COURTS/BANKS - John sas the criminal system needs to be totally revamped and there needs to be an urgent review of our prisons.. BANKS/THOMAS..00:01:29.
20. DOLLARS - business consultant says theft and worker error is costing NZ retailers and wholesalers up to a million dollars a day.. DOOLEY/BRITTENDEN..00:02:04.
21. FILLER - international seminar on vulcanology..the study of volcanoes..has opened with a bang in Kagoshima, southern Japan..a nearby volcano erupted!!