Morning report. 1989-02-01.

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
01 Feb 1989
RNZ Collection
Barry, Maggie, 1959-, Presenter
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Gibson, Ken, -2013 (d.2013), Editor
Lee, Mike, Editor
Watts, Cheryl, Producer
Hudson, Brian, 1937-2010, Producer
Broadbent, Adele, Sports presenter
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0610 Ex "Checkpoint" : Opposition accuses Wetere, Māori Aff
0615 Ex "Checkpoint" : Regional economic survival
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment" : Rodney Knight
0652 "Money Matters" : Recession stil biting - Margaret Inge i/v Dr John Lepper, IES
0700 NEWS
0705 Live Confidential Shipping Corp documents show Treasury knew Tino Pereira (Voicer) and Geoff Robinson i/v Dave Morgan, Secretary Seamen's Union
00:3:23 Massive strike action faces country's hospitals next week Dyan Sharland i/v Ron Burgess, Secretary CTU
00:2:27 Strike ties up LPG Supply Tanker Tarahiko : Dyan Sharland Ian Bates, Liquigas
00:2:03 Palmer meets with Māori and commerical fishing interests Debbie Gee i/v Geoffrey Palmer
00:2:15 Fight over set-net fishing and saving the rare Hector Dolphin : Sean Plunket i/v Mark Bellingham, Royal Bird & Forest Society and Bernard Walker, SNAG Spokesman
00:3:58 Collapse of major insurance broking firm Wilsure Brokers Peter Verschafelt i/v Chris Bishop, Wgtn Businessman
00:4:56 Tax rates may have to be altered in July Budget Clare de Lore i/v David Caygill, Minister of Finance
0745 METROPOLITAN PAPERS Live Change to redundancy laws which prevent some people getting jobs : Maggie Barry i/v George Hickton
00:2:31 Fraction of TV drama locally made : Mark Hannan i/v John Barnett, Independent Producers & Directors Guild
00:1:33 Maoridom unfairly blamed for Māori Dept shortcomings Debbie Gee i/v Sir Graham Latimer, NZ Māori Council
00:3:30 Claim 9 young NZ'rs killed themselves over their homosexuality : Janice Rodenburg i/v Barry Taylor National Youth Council
00:2:17 Third company failures result of company fraud : Mark Boyd i/v Dave Hay Nationwide Investigation & Sec
00:3:39 Human Rights Commissioner for South Island Retires David Killick i/v Diana Shand
00:3:02 Iran is currently target of Amnesty International Don Carson (Voicer)
00:2:39 Argentinian ship aground in Antarctic danger of breaking up : Connie Lawn (Wrap)
0830 NEWS
00:3:50 Australia's CPI figure shows inflation at
00:7:7% Kevin McQuillan (Wrap) Live 150 years since start of photography : Geoff Robinson i/v Matheson Beaumont, NZ Centre Photography
00:2:07 British National Health Service has big shakeup Keith Chalkley (Wrap)
00:2:34 Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan complete soon Phil Jones, BBC and Lise Dusette, BBC
00:1:19 Japanese man released after 30 years in jail, BBC
00:0:42 Row over sale of Douglas Bader medals : Keith Chalkley Live Massey has new course in dog behaviour : Maggie Barry i/v Dr Robert Holmes, Massey University