Morning report. 1989-02-07.

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
07 Feb 1989
RNZ Collection
Radio New Zealand (estab. 1989), Broadcaster
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Barry, Maggie, 1959-, Presenter
Hill, Kim, 1955-, Producer
Vennell, Caroline, Producer
McKenzie, Colin, Sports presenter

0610 Ex "BBC" : Russian Troops depart Afghanistan
0612 Ex "BBC" : Future of Hong Kong
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment" : Derek McCormack
0652 "Money Matters" : Cost of Entering Asian Markets Margaret Inge i/v Clint Laurant, Price Waterhouse
0700 NEWS
00:3:50 Continuing debate over role of Treasury in State asset sales under Cabinet scrutiny : Richard Griffin
00:2:29 Govt urged to ignore Treasury advice to reject pay equity for women : Leigh Pearson i/v Iverson, CEV-EP Live Special govt unemployment conference being held Maggie Barry i/v Phil Goff, Employment Minister
00:2:29 Worst storm in 50 years hits D'Urville Island Nan Ward (wrap)
00:2:28 Detectives still mystified over death of Peter Plumley-Walker: Sue Hawkins i/v Detective Inspector Ron Cooper
00:2:41 Aust high interest rates expected to see kiwi continue to depreciate : Leigh Pearson i/v Donal Curtin, BNZ
00:1:48 Borrowers have collective power and could bring down interest rates : Leigh Pearson i/v Ted Cavanagh, MLA
00:2:51 Waitangi celebrations augur well for 150th commemoration Mark Boyd i/v Sir Graham Latimer
00:3:03 Opposition Māori Affairs spokesman to meet with Ombudsman Sean Plunket i/v Winston Peters
00:2:46 Calls for suspension of local government re-organisation crazy : Anna Thomas i/v Michael Bassett, Min local govt Live Geoff Robinson i/v Tim Shadbolt, Waitemata Mayor METROPOLITAN PAPERS Live Major study - urgent need to expand remedial teaching Maggie Barry i/v Dr James Chapman, Massey Uni
0510 Live Focus on 1990 celebrations Waitangi : Maggie Barry i/v Wally Hirsh, Race Relations Conciliator Live Patron of 1990 celebration : Geoff Robinson i/v Sir Paul Reeves, Governor General
00:2:04 Accountant society predict more entrepreneurial companies may collapse : Leigh Pearson i/v Tony Frankham, Acc Soc
00:1:35 World's largest religious festival in India : Richard Wells, BBC
0830 NEWS Live New Minister of Conservation just returned from a UN conference in Kenya: Geoff Robinson i/v Philip Woollaston
00:4:12 Paraguay's new ruler has called general elections Kim Hill i/v Neil Wise, Latin-American Correspondent
00:5:02 Military exercise now in town of Minginui : Michael Kopp i/v Lt Col Leith and Tim Hoskin
00:1:09 Soviet Foreign Minister has talks with Pakistani leaders over Afghanistan : Phil Jones, BBC Islamabad
00:1:13 Last Soviet convoy to leave Afghanisatn welcomed home Jeremy Harris, BBC travelling with convoy
00:3:58 West Australian elections : Kevin McQuillan i/v R Cameron
00:1:29 Staff who bought their company in 82 have made large profits - National Freight : Keith Chalkley (Wrap)