Morning report. 1989-03-17

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Broadcast Date
17 Mar 1989
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex "Checkpoint": Māori views & local body reforms
0617 Ex "Checkpoint": START Treaty of disarmament
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment" : Selwyn Dawson
0652 Ex "ABC" : Collapse of plans for one billion dollar pulp mill project in Tasmania
0700 NEWS
00:1:14 LOCKERBIE disaster revelation that UK govt had info about attack before bombing: John Prescot, Opposition Spokesman Live UK govt under pressure: Geoff Robinson i/v Keith Chalkley
00:3:22 DELAY in surgery at Auckland Hospital : Jane Young i/v Helen Clark / Don McKinnon
00:4:25 DIOXIN in cartoned milk lead to "wait and see" policy Ann Howarth i/v Houlihan / Aiken / Edwards
00:1:54 AMERICAN agencies evaluating research findings from Canada where danger of dioxin first found: Connie Lawn
00:2:51 SHIPPING Corp & maritime unions sign deal ending dispute Dyan Sharland i/v Sam Jenning, Secretary Maritime
00:1:53 COMMERCE Commission considering public hearing on sale of Air NZ: Tino Pereira
00:2:35 CAIRNS Group made up of 14 agricultural nations meeting in Waitangi: Leigh Pearson / Mike Moore (Aud)
00:1:59 TRADE opportunities missed out by not following up Expo opportunities: Nan Ward i/v Jeremy Spanjaard METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:2:07 SALARIES of chief executives of govt depts should be made public says Ombudsman: Paul Jackman
00:2:18 NAURU/KIRIBATI feud strands at least 20 people after NZ decision to ground Air Nauru: Mark Hannan
00:3:01 ANTI-SMOKING campaign aimed at young people launched by Health Minister: Paul Jackman i/v Helen Clark
00:3:06 ST PATRICKS day: Sean Plunket
00:0:36 WELSH taxi driver's unusual accident: Reader
00:2:27 CUTBACKS in health services feared: Ann Howarth i/v Tom Grigg, Chairperson Hospital Baords' Assn
00:2:52 AA says Mobil petrol price increase test case for competition : Rory Newsam i/v Fairburn, AA
00:2:43 EFT-POS system now used by Mastercard, Bankcard and Visa : Rosalie Nelson i/v Paul Bayliss, Handypoint
00:2:52 CHRISTCHURCH has major job creation conference to be held in June: Karlum Lattimore i/v Gillian Wess, CCC Live
EL SALVADOR elections preceded by wave of attacks by left-wing guerillas: Geoff Robinson i/v Keith Johnston
0830 NEWS
00:1:48 MEAD Report and pay equity legislation should be implemented in Tandem : Dyan Sharland Live TOMORROWS Schools : Maggie Barry i/v David Hill visiting UK Education consultant
00:2:35 GLOBAL petition calling an UN to halt destruction of rainforests to be presented to parliament: Michael Kopp
00:2:23 FRENCH vote for control of communities: Tim Marshall
00:3:22 WRITE IN - listeners comments : Maggie Barry Live AUSTRALIA Comment: Maggie Barry i/v Kevin McQuillan