Morning report. 1989-03-21

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Broadcast Date
21 Mar 1989
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex "Checkpoint": Salary details of public servants
0617 Ex "Checkpoint": Bi-culturalism
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment" : Ruth Pidwell
0652 "Money Matters": Economy and labour market : Margaret Inge i/v John Savage, Economist, NZIER
0700 NEWS
00:2:26 BUDGET blueprint approved by Cabinet: Richard Griffin
00:4:02 FINANCE markets expect increase in GST and rise in corporate tax: Peter Verschaffelt i/v Rodney Dickens
00:3:47 TEACHERS on strike today: Janice Rodenburg i/v Ruth Chapman and Gerald Minnee
00:1:59 SHIPPING Corp sale announcement expected: Tino Pereira
00:4:39 ASSET sales run into problems over Māori land and resource claims: Rory Newsam / Sir Graham Lattimer
00:5:05 AGENT Orange investigation into alleged NZ manufacture to be released tomorrow: Sean Plunket
00:2:45 EL SALVADOR Right-wing party Arena claims victory: Vivien Altman and Marius Bensen, ABC
00:2:27 POLICE conference in Sydney says more money not answer to curbing crime: Zandra Sharpe, Sydney
00:1:27 QUEENSLAND govt sets up another judicial enquiry into police rampage: Kevin McQuillan, Sydney
00:2:24 POLICE Assn claims about Hepatitis B & AIDS dismissed Mark Hannan i/v Dr Hector MacDonald, Chief Med Advisor METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:2:20 HEALTH Dept warns against importation of contaminated food to protect public: Peter Brittenden / Weldon
00:2:09 FISHING Industry says 87/88 year difficult despite increase in earnings: Anne McCone
00:2:02 EQUITICORP Receivers have four tenders for stake in NZ Steel : Gyles Beckford
00:1:07 AFGHANISTAN rebel forces launch another attack on Jalalabad : Phil Jones, BBC
00:0:53 FRANCE'S socialist party makes substantial gains in city council elections: Philip Short, BBC
00:3:50 FIJIAN gun-runner Kahan will not be deported from England; Ray Lilley i/v Robert Roscoe, Lawyer Live FIJI'S Minister of Trade & Commerce visiting NZ: Geoff Robinson i/v Ben Vinibobo
00:2:34 MENTAL Health Foundation says figures misleading on patient levels at hospitals: Mark Hannan i/v Max Abbott
00:2:30 INSURANCE industry adopting voluntary code to deal with AIDS: Mark Hannan i/v Boyd Klap, Life Officers Assn
00:6:05 AIDS cases in NZ risen to 117: Ann Howarth i/v Tom McLean, Author "If I should Die"
0830 NEWS
00:2:40 COCAINE use could cause wave of birth defects : Felicity Biggins, ABC i/v Edith Collins, Sydney Paediatrician
00:2:02 SUPERANNUATION change implications important to older women: Debbie Gee i/v Marion Bywater
00:6:36 FISHING Industry Economic Review: Anne McCone i/v Gary Bevin, NZ Fishing Industry Board's Chief Economist Live "A Private Affair" book on men's violence launched at Beehive: Maggie Barry i/v Peter Swain, Author
00:3:40 JAIL ART exhibition opens in Wellington: Owen Gill Live IMPRESSIONIST art exhibition in Auckland : Maggie Barry i/v Frances Chaves, Curator Readers Digest Art Collection