Morning report. 1989-04-13.

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
13 Apr 1989
RNZ Collection
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Dick, Kelvin, Editor
Barry, Maggie, 1959-, Presenter
Reich, Dennis, 1947-1995, Editor
MacLeod, Catriona, Producer
Vennell, Caroline, Producer
Moody, Graeme, 1951?-2011, Sports presenter
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex "Checkpoint": Population trends Planning Council Rept
0617 Ex "Checkpoint": Japanese PM in Recruit scandal
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment" : Godfrey Wilson
0652 "Money Matters" : Stockmarket Committee of Inquiry: Margaret Inge
0700 NEWS
00:4:28 AUSTRALIAN mini-budget: Kevin McQuillan
00:1:20 MONEY market reactions : Reader
00:2:14 MOORE says budget doesn't undermine NZ's tax advantages Paul Jackman i/v Mike Moore, Deputy Finance Minister
00:0:53 POLITICAL commentator reaction: Reader
00:2:26 COMMERCIAL Law reforms: Gyles Beckford i/v Geoffrey Palmer, Justice Minister
00:1:31 AIRLINE Pilots strike may be called off: Mark Hannan
00:2:07 CONCORDE loses half tail rudder on flight from Chch to Sydney: David Leney, Pilot Concorde Live ACCIDENT could have serious implications: Maggie Barry i/v David Learmount, Air Transport Editor, Flight Int Mag
00:1:49 ANSETT staff hopes meeting with PM means Ansett successful: Tino Pereira
00:2:27 PREBBLE lashes out at Ruth Dyson: Jane Young/R Prebble
00:1:06 GEORGIA Communist leader offers to resign following clashes: Diana Goodman, BBC
00:2:45 NIUE - Marshall to look at how govt spends aid from NZ: Fraser Folster i/v Russell Marshall, Foreign Aff METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:2:20 FAIR GO list of names seized by police following painters story: Peter Aranyi i/v Chris Harrington
00:3:08 PARLIAMENT Privileges Committee decision on law firm threat to freedom of speech: Paul Jackman/Richard Prebble
00:2:52 BEECH Forest battle brewing following plan to clear fell virgin forest for chip wood: Michael Kopp
00:1:12 MOSCOW paper says remains of last Russian Tzar found : Diana Goodman, BBC
0810 Live AUSTRALIAN mini-budget: Geoff Robinson i/v Donal Curtin International Economist, BNZ
00:1:59 ANTI-FRIGATE movement to go before Aust Parliam Ctte: Kate Wall
00:2:18 POWER authority proposal to by Clyde & Roxburgh Dams: Peter Brittenden / John Boshier, Electricity Supply Auth
00:1:23 RUGBY player awarded $16,000 by ACC: Ann Howarth
00:2:17 SOCIAL Welfare decision to pay benefits into bank accounts may cause problems:Ann Howarth / Maria McKinley
00:2:44 CAPTAIN Mark Phillips flies to Spain following marriage breakup speculation: Keith Chalkley
00:1:45 HEDGEHOGS dying because of climatic changes: Anastasia Harallambi i/v Manfred Lotarius, SPCA
0830 NEWS
00:3:19 INDEPENDENT Schools Assn says parents pay more GST than return in subsidies: Janice Rodenburg / Gerald Clark Live EDUCATION standards assessment and evaulation [i.e. evaluation] to be reformed: Maggie Barry i/v Sir James Stewart Live PLANNING Council Population Report: Geoff Robinson i/v Dr Richard Bedford, Canterbury Uni
00:3:10 TAPSELL proposing new system of paying medical Specialists: Alison Barcley i/v Peter Tapsell, MP
00:1:28 BRITAIN scare of chemicals in apples: Keith Chalkley Live FRUIT and vegetable market: Jack Forsyth