Morning report. 1989-05-05

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
05 May 1989
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex "Checkpoint" : Planned demolition of old State Ins Bld
0619 Ex "BBC" : UN conference on Ozone Layer warning
0621 Ex "BBC" : New Caledonia independence leader assassinated
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment" : Major Rodney Knight
0652 Weekly Marketing interview: Geoff Robinson & Alan Hannay
0700 NEWS
0705 Live NEW Caledonia Kanak Separatist shoots dead two moderate Kanak leaders: Maggie Barry i/v David Robie, Commentator
00:1:18 NZ govt expresses deep regret: Peter Verschaffelt
00:1:28 FRENCH reaction to assassinations: Tim Marshall
00:3:30 RESERVE Bank Bill introduced to Parliament: Clare de Lore i/v Ruth Richardson
00:3:47 ASTHMA drug fenoterol still under question: Ann Howarth i/v Mark Elwood
00:1:07 NO plans to take fenoterol off market: Paul Jackman i/v Michael Cullen, Acting Health Minister
00:3:41 AIR NZ briefs govt & opposition on airlines future: Paul Jackman i/v Bill Jeffries, Transport Min
00:1:16 POLISH Leader announces amnesty for political prisoners Mischa Glenny, BBC, Poland
00:2:01 OLIVER North found guilty: Connie Lawn / George Bush
00:4:06 VERDICT: Geoff Robinson i/v Alex Brummer, Guardian Newspaper's Washington Correspondent METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:2:20 LIQUOR Bill may lower drinking age to 18: Clare de Lore
00:2:36 LIQUOR Bill reaction: Mark Hannan i/v Peter Burton / John Penny / John Toomath / Keith Morrow / Tom Sheehy
00:2:30 ELECTRICITY users group worried consumers could get a raw deal: Rory Newsam i/v Andrew Brewis
00:1:41 FA CUP live TV coverage now on; following agreement : Mark Hannan i/v Kel Geddis, TV3
00:2:14 HIT Squad assignment in Rotorua: Peter Verschaffelt
0810 Live ECONOMY and the govt: Geoff Robinson i/v David Caygill
00:1:25 LANGE's popularity takes hammering in NZ Herald-NRB poll: Nick Hirst Live POLL Comment: Maggie Barry i/v Colin James, Commentator
00:2:12 HOSTILE witness sent to jail for refusing to testify Sally Haysom i/v Barry Wilson, Civil Liberties
00:3:01 CHILD abuse legislation approach criticised: Ann Howarth i/v Jocelyn Fish, National Council Women
00:2:42 WESTERN Samoan immigration quota to be discussed in Apia: Karen Fisher i/v Geoffrey Palmer, Dep PM
0830 NEWS Live DUCK Shooting season: Maggie Barry i/v Alan Trist, Executive Director, Mountain Safety Council
00:1:20 HOUSIE battle in Sydenham developing: Peter Brittenden
00:3:27 CLEANERS suspect health link with heavy cleaning machines: Janice Rodenburg i/v Dianne McAuliffe
00:2:09 QUEENSTOWN study on effect of tourism: John Braithwaite
00:4:42 AUSTRALIAN comment: Kevin McQuillan Live DAME Sister Mary Leo died this morning aged 94 years: Maggie Barry i/v Sister Judith, Sister of Mercy
00:2:05 THATCHER marks 10 years in office: Keith Chalkley
00:2:33 WRITE IN : listeners comments: Maggie Barry