Morning report. 1989-05-08

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Broadcast Date
08 May 1989
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex "BBC" : Student demonstrations in China
0614 Ex "BBC" : Mafia win Sicilian court appeal
0617 Ex "BBC" : Abbie Hoffman US radical figure dies
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment" : John Kennedy
0652 Hi-Tech: Farmers and Computers : Jim Higgins
0700 NEWS
00:2:51 NUCLEAR testing in South Pacific renewed by France Geoffrey Palmer, Deputy Prime Minister
00:00:3:48 LABOUR Wellington Regional Conference: Paul Jackman / Bill Jeffries / Ken Douglas / David Lange
00:00:2:40 NATIONAL'S first Regional Conference, Timaru: Peter Brittenden / Neville Young, Party President.
00:00:2:37 BOLGER outlines policies for next election: Peter Brittenden / Jim Bolger
00:00:3:44 FISHING catches could suffer if funds cut: Leigh Pearson/Dr. Don Robertson of MAFFish
00:00:2:46 NEW CALEDONIA police on stand-by following Tjibaou funeral Tino Pereira i/v Helen Fraser, Pacific Correspondent.
00:00:2:39 FUNERAL attended by politicians from France & Pacific: Tino Pereira i/v Geoffrey Palmer
00:00:2:26 ASTHMA drug Fenoterol position should be clarified: Leigh Pearson i/v Prof. Andrew Hornblow, Pub. Health Assn.
00:00:2:07 MEATWORKERS Union begins load-out ban: Karlum Lattimore / Sandy Murdock, Alliance Freezing Co.
00:2:23 MULDOON says NLP will win seats in next eleciton: Tino Pereira i/v Sir Robert Muldoon METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:1:31 ISRAELI soldiers clash with Palestinians:Gerald Butt, BBC
00:1:23 BRITISH Airports on alert following Iranian threats: Keith Chalkley / Timothy Renton
00:1:31 NUCLEAR fusion meetingin LA: David Whitehouse, BBC
00:2:19 TEACHERS plan more industrial action: Leigh Pearson i/v Ruth Chapman, PPTA
00:3:03 CIVIL Defence joint conference : Sarah Lockie / Ed Latter National Director, Civil Defence
00:1:08 FIREFIGHTERS to attend John Scott's funeral:Sally Haysom
00:2:22 WESTERN Samoan govt offers to help cut down number of overstayers in NZ: Mary Fenwick
00:2:22 KIDD tells National party in Timaru US Navy to remove nuclear weapons from ships: Michael Kopp/Nicky Hager
00:3:45 HERITAGE Foundation has influence on Bush administration Connie Lawn i/v Rick Fisher, Analyst, Heritage Fdn
00:2:03 LOCAL councils decide over elections following their restructuring: Karlum Lattimore i/v Brian Elwood
00:8:26 STREETKIDS topic of Manila conference: Geoff Robinson i/v Peter Tacon, Childhope
0830 NEWS
00:1:48 PARENT standing for election to school boards find out if successful: Sarah Boyd i/v Gerry Barnard, Sch Cmte Fdn
00:5:47 BAVANDRA raises concern over NZ/Aust policies towards Fiji: Fraser Folster i/v Dr Timoci Bavandra Live SOLENT flying boat idea: Geoff Robinson i/v Miles Allen
00:4:36 RETAIL Shopping centres next growth centre:Rosalie Nelson
00:3:25 US Drink drive debateover drinking age : Judy Leasing