Morning report. 1989-05-24

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
24 May 1989
RNZ Collection
Radio New Zealand (estab. 1989)

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex "Checkpoint" : Antarctic Mineral Convention Treaty
0615 Ex "Checkpoint" : Cannabis deregulation call by Tapsell
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment" : Graham Miller
0652 "Money Matters": US dollar rising strongly: Margaret Inge
0700 NEWS
00:1:33 CHINESE mass in Beijing demanding resignation of Prime Minister Li Peng: James Miles, BBC
00:1:09 CHINESE army's role in events in Beijing: Tim Luard, BBC
00:1:58 CHINESE leadership struggle depends on role of army: Mike Lee i/v Nick Turner
00:3:26 AIRWAYS Corp to be taken to court by airlines over new scale of charges: Tino Pereira i/v Frank Baldwin, Airways
00:2:22 AIRLINE Pilots strike action in support of award claims: Sean Plunket
00:2:24 WESTERN Samoan immigration early solution sought: Karen Fisher i/v Russell Marshall, Foreign Affairs Minister
00:2:00 EDUCATION agencies set up to run education system plans revealed: Sarah Boyd Live
00:6:29 NAURU takes Australia to Int Court of Justice seeking compensation : Maggie Barry i/v Dr Barry McDonald, Massey
00:2:23 RESERVE Bank Governor hits out at manufacturer & farmers lobby, over interest rates: James Hollings / Don Brash
00:2:01 RAILWAYS to scrap another 3,000 jobs because of financial pressure: Peter Brittenden i/v Kevin Hyde, Railways METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:4:18 MENTAL services worried over public health cuts: Ann Howarth i/v Dr Max Abbott, Mental Health Fdn Live EARTHQUAKE hits McQuarie Island south of NZ: Geoff Robinson i/v Alison Clifton, Australian Weather Station
00:2:38 DEMOGRAPHIC Society conference in Hamilton: David Steemson i/v Denise Brown, Social Statistician
00:1:10 MOSCOW demands reduction in number of British citizens British Govt will not accept: Jack Thompson, BBC
00:2:32 SYNFUELS takeover by Petrocorp is running into opposition from other gas industry players: Rosalie Nelson
00:2:59 BRIERLEYS to sell shares in Air NZ: Peter Verschaffelt i/v Bob Matthew, Chief Exec, Brierley Investments
00:2:29 FALLOON says Rural Bank MD Murray Bolton paid large bonus Karen Fisher i/v John Falloon, Oppn Rural Bank Spkpn
00:2:31 LABOUR Party's longest serving member has resigned: Anna Thomas i/v Verna Wood
00:3:59 DRUG education groups amazed at govt considering cannabis deregulation: Sarah Boyd/Murray Deaker, Fdn Alc Drug Edn
00:1:33 LEGALISATION of cannabis will mean new laws: Merle Nowland i/v Bruce Davidson, Lawyer
00:3:03 EASTENDERS offend Girl Guides Assn following portrayal of Brownie Pack: Gyles Beckford i/v Marjorie Hayter
0830 NEWS
00:2:58 PRISONS run by private enterprise not supported by govt: Karen Fisher i/v Geoffrey Palmer, Minister of Justice
00:2:14 WAIKATO Hospital Board praised for foresight in planning possible cuts: Gideon Porter
00:2:17 TERTIARY education re-organisation should involve student support services: Debbie Gee/Eric Medcalf Stud Serv Assn
00:1:56 MED successfully prosecutes man who stole electricity: Sarah Lockie i/v John Boshier, Acting Head, MED
00:2:02 BRITISH house prices crashing in slump and interest rate threaten to rise as sterling falls: Keith Chalkley Live CAR WRECKING yard reckoned to be largest in Southern Hemisphere: Geoff Robinson i/v Colin Frederickson,
00:3:58 BUILDING Conference talks about air-conditioning sickness Mary Fenwick i/v Colin Ward, Air-Conditioning Expert
00:2:40 DUKE of Edinburgh launches ambitious project at UN to translate religious texts into English: Judy Lessing