Morning report. 1989-06-22

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Broadcast Date
22 Jun 1989
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex "Checkpoint" : US ambassadors confirmation delayed
0615 Ex "Checkpoint" : Taxi deregulation hearing
0619 Ex "Checkpoint" : Family Planning team to Marshall Islands
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment" : Ann Thomas
0652 "Money Matters" : Margaret Inge i/v Brian Creft
0700 NEWS
00:1:20 CHINESE Authorities execute three men for anti-govt disturbances: James Miles, BBC
00:1:10 BRITISH & Australian Prime Ministers express horror at execution: Keith Chalkley, London
00:0:47 US expresses regret over executions: Jack Thompson, BBC
00:2:30 PRISONS to trim budgets: Mark Hannan i/v David Oughton, Secretary for Justice
00:2:14 POLICE Assn takes Police admin to task over cost saving measures: Myers i/v Mark Eastwood, Councillor, Pol Assn
00:2:02 POLICE in NZ shown to be hard workers & more successful than overseas counterparts: Mark Hannan / Graham Harding
00:2:08 SECURITY Industry warns police cuts could lead to illegal operators: Mark Hannan i/v Ray Beatson, Security Industry
00:3:40 DRUGS in sport inquiry money could be better spent to educate atheletes: Adele Broadbent i/v Dr Tony Edwards
00:3:15 SECONDARY School teachers settle award: Sarah Boyd i/v Ruth Chapman, PPTA
00:2:27 EQUITICORP investment unauthorised - result shows after Tourist Publicity Dept inquiry : Jane Young
00:1:47 MARSHALL Islands give strong warning about drift net fishing in Pacific: Tino Pereira i/v Amata Kabua, Pres
00:1:59 HUMAN Rights Comm & Race Relations Off to be amalgamated & Chris Laidlaw new head: Clare de Lore / Winston Peters
00:1:08 FIJI Police confirm seizure of weapons cache on US yacht: Tino Pereira METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:1:33 MURDER Trail jury told Police officers feared for safety during inter-gang incident: Merle Nowland
00:1:13 PLUMLEY-WALKER case main witness identity kept secret: Paul Patrick
00:1:48 STEVEDORES accuse watersiders of using bullying tactics: Peter Brittenden
00:1:21 DROUGHT-RELIEF package causes mixed reaction: Paul Jackman Live
00:5:37 FEDERATED Farmers response: Geoff Robinson i/v Oliver Grigg, President, North Canterbury Federated Farmers
00:2:53 DRUG abuse in NZ sport - gathering evidence about doctors difficult: Ann Howarth i/v Dr Stewart Alexander, Med Cncl
00:6:41 SPORTS Administrators response tentative over drug issue: Maggie Barry i/v Bill Garlick, Olympic & Cmmwlth Games
00:2:42 LABOUR Party calling for nominations in 7 seats: Peter Brittenden i/v Murdo McMillan, Asst Sec Labour Party Live
00:6:26 INDONESIAN Foreign Minister visits NZ for talks : Geoff Robinson i/v Ali Alatas
0830 NEWS
00:1:53 CHILD Witnesses giving evidence decision by Court of Appeal: Merle Nowland
00:2:03 PEPSI/COCA COLA competition to heat up: Rosalie Nelson
00:2:09 PROVISION taxpayers paying tax on old rates: Rosalie Nelson
00:2:41 RESERVE Bank papers on employment released: Clare de Lore i/v Winston Peters
00:2:25 GOVERNMENT aware Waihapa oil field was worth $400 million says High Court evidence: Rory Newsam
00:2:12 STUDENTS hold national day of action over loans scheme: Sarah Boyd i/v Brett Williams, Polytech Students Assn
00:2:23 ANTARCTIC & Southern Oceans Coalition says govt should start moving and stop talking: Michael Kopp
00:2:12 PALMER accused of turning public against Roper report on prisons: Linda Dodge i/v Kathy Dunstall, Member Cmte
00:2:52 SOVENZ - NZ trading co - hopes to sign joint venture with Soviet: Leigh Pearson i/v Gaffikin, Sovenz MD Live
00:4:07 FRUIT and vegetable market: Jack Forsyth