Morning report. 1989-07-10

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
10 Jul 1989
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
01610 Ex BBC International Call Pres. Bush unveils plan for clean air.
0614 Ex BBC International Call Human rights in Indonesia
0618 Ex ABC PM Papua New Guinea call for death penalty
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment" : Derek McCormack
0652 Jim Higgins Smart factories
0700 NEWS
00:00:3:52 KARLA Cardno accused to appear in court today after body located in beach grave. Insp. Marsden/Mark Middleton/Frank Perry.
00:00:2:35 SETTLEMENT reached on method to settle Māori claims to state forest and coal assets. Verschaffelt voicer.
00:00:3:15 FEES increase for tertiary students contested by Students Assn. who claim it will lead to lower enrolements. Andrew Little/Rory Newsam.
00:00:3:15 GORE people hold weekend rally to protest proposed local hospital cutbacks. Mayor Ian Tulloch/Alex Coubrough. Live Kim Hill i/v Lance Blaikie, Chairman Southland Area Health Board, on the proposed cuts.
00:00:2:50 Foreign Affairs Minister supports proposed Asian-Pacific trade group. Russell Marshall/Sean Plunket.
00:00:3:35 LORRAINE Moller says NZers must face up to drug abuse problems. Lorraine Moller/Sean Plunket.
00:00:2:08 SUNDAY Trading case strengthened according to Christchurch retailer. Craig Nicholas/Gerard Counsell. METROPOLITAN PAPERS.
00:00:1:49 RAINBOW Warrior replacement ship launched today in West Germany. Wayne Brittenden. Live Geoff Robinson i/v Martin Gotje of Greenpeace on organisation's future plans.
00:00:1:21 BUSH is first US Pres to visit Poland for twelve years. Kevin Connelly.
00:00:3:46 INTEREST rate moves by Reserve Bank supported by broking economist Rodney Dickens/Peter Verschaffelt. Live Kim Hill i/v Tony Weaver on ramifications of meeting between Pres Botha and Nelson Mandela.
00:00:2:51 FORUM meeting in Kiribati will be dominated by drift net fishing issue. David Lange/Paul Jackman
00:00:1:02 HONG KONG people with Br passports could move to West if China breaks 1997 agreement. John Shopel.
00:00:1:13 ISRAEL security forces shoot two Palestinians. Gerald Butt. Live Geoff Robinson i/v Councillor Fleur Sullivan about Vincent. County Council claim for 20 million dollars compensation for disruption caused by Clyde Dam construction.
0830 NEWS
00:00:2:33 Foreign Affairs Minister pays tribute to Rainbow Warrior for effect on attitudes to anti-nuke movement. Russell Marshall/Sean Plunket. Live Geoff Robinson i/v Robert Carter DG Housing Corp, Housing Week.
00:00:1:47 CREDIT CARD charges rise in UK. Keith Chalkley. Live Kim Hill i/v Roger Ballard organiser of proposed local "vigilantes" after announcement that police numbers in Northland to be cut.
00:00:3:45 NETBALL Federation gloom about the sports future. Anne Taylor/Adele Broadbent.
00:00:1:18 DRUNKEN students kicked-off inter-island ferry. Peter Verschaffelt.
00:00:1:04 DOGS life a good thing in Palm Beach, Florida.