Morning report. 1989-08-24

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
24 Aug 1989
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex "Checkpoint" : French Prime Minister tours Pacific
0618 Ex "Checkpoint" : Aust needs to change edn for Aborigines
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment" : Ray Oppenheim
0652 "Money Matters" : Household Labour Force Survey : Bronwen Evans i/v Len Bayliss, Economist
0700 NEWS
00:4:04 CULLEN denies suggestion taken from his speech a Gerard Counsell i/v Michael Cullen, Social Welfare Min
00:2:44 HAMNER Queen Mary Drug & Alcohol rehab centre saved : Joanne Webster i/v Dr Robert Crawford
00:3:39 GENERIC drugs research shows difference between them and brand name drugs: Peter Brittenden i/v Dr Richard Robson Live
00:4:25 WHALES grounded on Ninety Mile Beach: Maggie Barry i/v Richard Parish, rescuer
00:3:09 CLERICAL Workers Union alarmed over safety of Ak highrise buildings: Rory Newsam i/v Martha Coleman, CWU
00:1:18 WATERFRONT union successfully negotiates two national awards & separate port document: Tino Pereira
00:2:34 TEACHERS strongly oppose Education Bill before Parliament Peter Aranyi i/v Peter Allen
00:2:56 INSURANCE Seminar told of increase in bugging devices Rosalie Nelson i/v Mark Vanleeuwarden, Former Detective
00:2:19 SOVIET economic & political restructuring creates many changes: David Steemson / Yuri Sokolov, Ambassador to NZ METROPOLITAN PAPERS Live
00:3:48 FRANKTON Railway Hall saved by City Council: Geoff Robinson i/v Maryanne Gaastra, Resident
00:2:42 LONDON riverboat tragedy touches NZ as mother flies to attend funeral: Keith Chalkley
00:2:43 PATIENT consent may affect those treated in public hospitals: Debbie Gee i/v Sandry Coney / Dr Alec Sinclair
00:1:09 CHINESE authorities to send recent graduates to work in the country: James Miles, BBC
00:0:33 STAR Letter to the Editor about Prime Minister names
0810 Live PLO admitted to World Mental Health Federation: Maggie
00:5:32 Barry i/v Dr Fathi Arafat, Head Palestine Red Crescent
00:2:58 RESERVE Bank Bill given support by visiting British economist: Gyles Beckford i/v Prof Charles Goodhart, LSE Live
00:5:37 NEPTUNE soon to be reached by Voyager Two space probe after 12 years: Geoff Robinson i/v Bruce Brymer, NASA
00:3:34 TEACHER may boycott 1990 celebrations that don't have bicultural perspective:Sarah Boyd/Ruth Chapman/Pat Fowell
0830 NEWS
00:2:26 PAREMOREMO protests leads to sentence of 20 hours community service: Mary Fenwick /Tuta Ngarimu/John Kelly
00:1:59 ABORIGINE woman to go to UN over shooting of husband by Sydney Police: Phil Kafcaloudes, Sydney
00:2:59 CRIMES Bill attacked by prostitutes and Aids Council: Jane Young i/v Katherine Healey / Don Mathieson, Aids Cn
00:2:47 INSURANCE Industry worried over fly-by-nighters when disaster insurance effected: Rosalie Nelson/Lloyd Falck Live
00:2:30 YACHT reaches Fiji, but search for missing husband ended : Geoff Robinson i/v Captain Buandromo, Fiji Navy
00:2:55 AUSTRALIAN airline services shut down due to striking pilots: Phil Kafcaloudes, Sydney
00:2:31 CATHOLIC argument over inquiry into sexism still continues: Merle Nowland i/v Connie Purdue
00:2:08 WINE Industry worried over increase in excise tax in budget: Merle Nowland i/v Terry Dunleavey Live FRUIT and Vegetable Market : Jack Forsyth