Morning report. 1989-09-21

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Broadcast Date
21 Sep 1989
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0608 Ex Checkpoint: Fishing (Māori fisheries Bill)
0618 Ex Checkpoint: Americas (Cup)
0625 Rural News
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment" : Arthur Metcalfe
0652 Money Matters : Margaret Inge
0656 Financial news
0700 NEWS
00:3:13 WTN. AREA HEALTH BD. vote to tackle deficit & cut back health services brings angry response. Nina Templeton
00:00:1:57 PROPOSALS by small band of Bd. members will lessen service cuts. Ann Howarth i/v Marion Bruce, Bd. member. LIVE Geoff Robinson i/v Dr. Karen Poutasi Gen. Mgr. Wtn. Health Board, on cuts to health services.
00:00:3:01 MIXED feelings over decision not to lay charges over fatal shooting of intruder. Todd Niall/Bungay/Walker.
00:00:1:18 OPPOSITION says police are right deciding not to lay charges. Clare de Lore i/v Paul East, opp. MP. LIVE Neil Billington i/v Moana Jackson, Dir. Wtn. Māori legal service, on police decision.
00:00:3:09 GOVT. PRINT workers in Wtn. walk off job for 24 hrs. Rory Newsam i/v Rick Clapham, PSA.
00:00:3:08 AUSTN. politician's campaign against banks extends to NZ. Peter Brittenden/Senator Paul McLean. METROPOLITAN PAPERS LIVE Neil Billington i/v Janice Rodenburg on CTU conference.
00:00:1:10 FRENCH DC10 missing over Sahara desert has been found in southern Niger. Jonathan Charles, Paris.
00:00:3:12 AIR NZ says Tower-Air boeing 747-100 it's leasing is safe. Tino Pereira i/v Jim Scott, Air NZ Ch. Exec.
00:5:59 INQUIRY into Fiji's new constitution ends after two years. Karen Mangnall/Chaudrhi/Rabuka.
00:00:2:28 COURT of Appeal Pres. says courts may become bogged down with litigation over Māori fishing rights. Merle Nowland
00:00:0:18 HUI over Māori Fish. bill won't now be held this weekend Ray Lilley i/v Sir Graham Latimer Ch. NZ Māori Council.
00:00:3:29 SCIENTISTS say ozone hole over Antarctica worse than expected. Michael Kopp i/v Dr Tom Clarkson, Scientist
00:00:2:05 THINK-Tank on improved aircraft oxygen systems. Gerard/Dr. Mogan Fahey, President World Assn. Disaster Medicine.
00:00:2:46 ARTIST appalled at plans to demolish his Port Chalmers studio. Kate Winstanley, Dunedin.
00:00:1:12 SAFRICA's new president F.W. de Clerk sworn in. Mike Wooldridge, Pretoria.
0830 NEWS LIVE Geoff Robinson i/v Sharryn Waters, Mgr. Atlantic & Pacific Trav., and Businesswoman of the Year.
00:00:3:19 MENTAL Health Foundation says Instant Kiwi shouldn't be played by children. Michael Kopp i/v Dr. Max Abbott MHF. LIVE Geoff Robinson i/v Guy Jansen, Chm. National syllabus committee on music in schools.
00:00:2:33 GOVT. negotiator for union-govt. compact says compact is already working in some cases. Paul Jackman/Mike Moore
00:00:1:07 CHEMICAL Conference supports global ban on chemical weapons. Red Harrison, Canberra.
00:00:2:33 FOREST & Bird Prot. Soc. critical of govt's ideas on woodchipping exports. Michael Kopp i/v Kevin Smith FBPS LIVE Graeme Feesy with fruit & vege prices this week.