Morning report. 1990-01-22

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
22 Jan 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0608 Ex Correspondent John Retty reports on Azerbaijan unrest
0611 Ex ABC: Martin Dobell on El Salvador
0617 Ex ABC: Trevor Watson on China's People's Daily newspaper
0621 Ex ABC: Stuart Heather on PNG asking Aust. for more aid.
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment": Auckland Clergyman Denzil Brown.
0652 Jim Higgins on computer display systems.
0700 NEWS
00:1:38 DOUGLAS: Possibility that Roger Douglas could be back in his old job. Paul Jackman
00:00:3:41 GAMES: Near-capacity crowd at dress rehearsal for Games opening. Mark Hannan
00:00:1:50 GAMES: SAfrican Govt. accused of trying to sabotage Games, Paul Patrick i/v Sharad Rao, legal advisor
00:00:2:06 GAMES: African nations meeting on England's rebel cricket tour of SAfrica, Glyn Jones
00:00:2:27 GOLDCORP: Former director Ray Smith back in NZ, Andrew Melville i/v David Hagar, lawyer
00:00:4:07 WELFARE: Report says NZ's welfare state has reached crisis point, Peter Brittenden i/v Phillip Wrigley
00:00:3:37 WELFARE: Social Welfare Min. critical of report. Peter Brittenden i/v Michel Cullen
00:00:0:28 PRISON suicides: Nona Pelletier i/v Stuart Jones, Justice Dept.
00:00:4:51 MARATHON dangers: 23-year old woman died at end of half-marathan run. Dr Alisatir Maxwell
00:00:2:09 PACIFIC: Call for stronger relationship between NZ & Western Samoa, Paul Jackman METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:00:2:17 PROTESTER insults Winston Peters at ceremony to launch war canoe. Peter Abernethy.
00:00:2:23 INSULT: Ngahuia Dixon, Waikato Uni. lect. in Māori studies says whakapohane is highest insult LIVE
00:0:27 GAMES: Dr Tara Scanlan, California Uni Social Psychologist on enjoyment in spurt illegible NEWS/LOCAL BREAKOUT
00:5:11 RE-ENACTMENT of arrival of first settlers at Petone today, John Campbell i/v Michele Ducat, Pet. Sett. Museum LIVE
00:6:25 HISTORY: Henry Richardson, who completed the history of the New Zealand company. LIVE
00:6:18 SETTLERS: Maryanne Haggie, Project Waitangi National Co-ordinator,
00:6:41 LAW: Rod Hansen lawyer, on Commonwealth Law Conference in Ak. in April
00:00:2:58 TEACHERS: Govt. spending 5 mill. dollars on jobs for graduate prim. sch. teachers. Nona Felletier i/v Phil Goff
00:00:3:25 FOREST Res. Inst. report shows workers suffer high injury rates & poor wages & conditions. Peter Brittenden.
00:00:3:49 NZ LAWYER Warwick Reid a wanted man in Hong Kong. Grant Dyson i/v Kit Cummings, Radio Hong Kong News Editor.
00:00:2:12 FRAUD: Used-car fraud allegation investigation. Peter Abernethy i/v Robin Dace, Customs
00:00:4:10 WAITANGI: Grafton Cemetery where Cpt. Hobson is buried scene of widespread vandalism. Peter Kingston.