Morning report. 1990-02-02

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
02 Feb 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0609 Ex BBC: Bond -Kerry Packers makes bid for Bond Media
0616 Ex ABC: Papua New Guinea arms-Australia's role questioned
0619 Ex Checkpoint: Albania-what's kept the system intact?
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Ex BBC: Women at arms - women in frontline combat
0650 "Morning Comment": Richard Lawrence. WN minister
0652 Marketing: Barkers Blackcurrants
0700 NEWS
00:1:30 SOVIET leadership welcomes Pres. Bush's proposals. Philip Short. BBC
00:00:1:26 STOWAWAYS fate rests with foreign affairs officials. Gyles Beckford.
00:00:3:23 FLETCHER Canada protest. Michael Kopp i/v C.J. Hinke. Canadian radical environmentalist
00:00:2:24 FLETCHER Challenge forestry operations in Canada. Michael Kopp i/v Cath Wallace. Resource economist LIVE
00:5:30 SAFRICA: Geoff Robinson i/v Tony Weaver. SAfrican corr.
00:00:3:41 WHARF DISPUTE at Picton. Peter Brittenden i/v Brian Fitzpatrick Mgr. Marlborough Port Co.
00:00:3:32 CABINET: Employers Fed. says new Cabinet team is positive sign. Janice Rodenburg i/v Steve Marshall. Empl. Fed.
00:00:4:04 HEPATITIS B: Cure for carriers may be close. Nona Pelletier i/v Dr Eru Pomare. Wtn. Sch. Medicine METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:00:1:22 GERMAN Reuinification. Ben Bradshow BBC
00:00:2:03 TELECOM Ak. says 400 jobs axed are human price paid for better service. Sarah Kate Lynch i/v Don Sledge. MgDir LIVE
00:4:19 TELECOM: Kim Hill i/v Biddington
0810 LIVE
00:5:42 FLETCHER: Geoff Robinson i/v Hugh Fletcher LIVE
00:5:24 McDONALDS: Kim Hill i/v Gary Reinblatt. Snr. VP McDonalds. on McDonalds opened in Moscow this week
00:00:3:45 NZ CHURCHES taking on question of righting Treaty injustices. Merle Nowland/ Jocelyn Armstrong/ Bish. Gilberd
00:00:2:43 WHITBREAD stopover giving Ak. marine industry a boost. Peter Abernethy i/v Kip Kempthorne. Dir. Oram Marine
0830 NEWS
00:00:2:20 VIGILANTES to patrol Ngongotaha. Reader LIVE
00:7:36 REAL ESTATE: Geoff Robinson i/v Dr John Baen. Lincoln Uni Prof. of Real Estate
00:00:3:38 GAMES: 7000 volunteers behind the scenes. Peter Kingston i/v Viv Sanders LIVE
00:5:26 BEETLES: Geoff Robinson i/v Jeremy Pearson. National Trust's Historic Buildings representative. Cornwall LIVE
00:8:13 OZ SPOT: Kim Hill i/v Phil Kafcaloudes on events in Aust. this week.
00:00:2:29 QUEEN: NZ swimmer pleased with the way lunch went yesterday with the Queen. Mark Hannan i/v Paul Kingsman