Morning report. 1990-02-09

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Broadcast Date
09 Feb 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0609 Ex Checkpoint: Nuclear debate revisited
0616 Ex Checkpoint: Palau referendum result
0619 Ex HO: Wine consumption dropping
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Ex BBC: life in occupied West Bank
0650 "Morning Comment": John Kennedy
0652 Marketing News: Geoff i/v John Pilcher. Managing Director Graffiti Guard Services.
0700 NEWS Live
00:5:07 NIUE situation after storms: Kim Hill i/v Tino Pereira Live
00:5:20 ISLAND community in NZ getting together to offer support: Kim Hill i/v Lupematasila Aumua Ioane. W Somoa High Comm Live
00:5:35 NZ AID effort : Kim Hill i/v Peter Bennett. Director South Pacific Division. MERT
00:5:06 WESTERN SAMOA situation: Kim Hill i/v Tofilau Eti Alesana. Prime Minister
00:2:39 PALMER says latest reports have forced NZ to step up its disaster relief effort: Jane Young / Geoffrey Palmer. PM
0730 NEWS & SPORT Live
00:3:11 AMERICAS CUP: San Diego Yacht Club holds news conference before Appeals Court hearing: Geoff Robinson/Judy Lessing
00:3:34 NATIONAL Party caucus meeting in Queenstown: Peter Aranyi Jim McLay and Doug Kidd
00:2:35 PETERS says it's time politicians cleaned up their acts: Sarah Kate Lynch i/v Winston Peters. National MP METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:4:06 HONG KONG senior investigator in NZ assisting police with inquiry relating to Warwick Reid: Grant Dyson/Tony Roby Live
00:5:24 SWEATING COMMISSION ends South Island stage of hearing into retail industry: Geoff Robinson i/v Phillida Bunkle
00:2:57 CONSUMERS rights legislation welcomed by Consumers' Inst: Peter Abernethy i/v David Russell Live
00:5:09 PROTECTION system for consumers: Kim Hill i/v Lester Wolfreys. Mgr Consumer Complaints. Min of Con Affairs
00:4:00 WAIROA school children may be sent home because of lack of teachers: Janice Rodenburg i/v Peter Singh. NZEI Live
00:5:07 WAIROA Board of Trustees Head: Geoff Robinson i/v Hine Flood
00:3:52 QUEEN honours Māori Women's Welfare League with meeting: Clare De Lare / Queen actuality
0830 NEWS
00:1:14 SOVIET Communist Party decision to surrender monopoly of power: Simon Long. BBC Live
00:5:17 SOVIET expert in international relations & specialist in Pacific affairs: Geoff Robinson i/v Prof Anatoli Torkunov
00:2:39 CHRISTIAN Science Monitor article on NZ: Connie Lawn
00:2:25 GREENPEACE Antarctic expedition findings on cleanup of American McMurdo station: Michael Kopp
00:1:28 SCIENTISTS conference grapples with issue of warming of earths climate: Connie Lawn i/v Paul Honan, Grnpce
00:2:44 DRAG Racing in Chch problem refered to PM. Police & Transport Ministers by CCC: Gerard Counsell/Ron Wright
00:1:19 MARLBOROUGH Wine and Food Festival begins tomorrow: Merle Nowland / Hamish Young. Chairman Committee Live
00:5:59 OZ SPOT : Geoff Robinson i/v Phil Kafcaloudes. Sydney