Morning report. 1990-02-15

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
15 Feb 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex Chkpt: SOEs public accountability.
0618 Ex Chkpt: Soviet PM in Australia for meetings
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 PNG: Geoff Robinson i/v Akoka Doi, PNG Dep. PM
0650 "Morning Comment" : Kate Birch, AK. Psychologist
0652 "Money Matters" : Margaret Inge i/v Michael Stutchbury
0700 NEWS
00:2:45 WESTERN SAMOA Disaster Relief Comm. meet today in AK. Fata Pito Faalogo LIVE
00:5:43 CYCLONE: Kim Hill i/v Bobby Matapo, Dep. Comm. of Police & Dep. Ch. Hurricane Safety Officer
00:00:5:44 FLETCHER Challenge facing servere criticism this morning Peter Verschaffelt i/v Tullock, Rural Bk. /Falloon, nat. MP
00:00:2:04 SAFRICAN Pres. takes concillitory approach to leading black groups. Connie Lawn/F.W. De Klerk, SA Pres.
00:00:3:27 SAFRICAN Consery. Party lays charge of treason against Mandela. Colin Feslier i/v Louis Stofberg Conserv. MP
00:00:2:18 CAPITAL GAINS tax - NZers vehemently opposed. Peter Verschaffelt
00:00:1:44 OIL rights hearing in Court of Appeal. Merle Nowland
00:00:2:02 ENCYCLOPAEDIA door-to-door sales. Margaret Shields, Consumer Affairs Minister METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:00:4:56 FLU VACCINE: Cut-price mass flu vaccinations planned for next winter. Peter Kingston i/v Dr Rhys Cullan LIVE
00:5:07 FLU VACCINE: Kim Hill i/v Dr Ross Moon, Royal NZ College of OPs
00:00:0:15 FLU VACCINE: Health Dept. says if injections administered in public places a Dr. would have to be present
00:00:4:18 SEAFARERC: More changes in the wind. Janice Rodenburg i/v Dave Morgan, Pres. Oeafarers Un.
0800 NEWS/LOCAL BREAKOUT illegible
00:5:15 PARLIAMENT won't be swamped with lagislation this year says PM. Richard Driffin i/v Deoffrey Palmer LIVE
00:6:28 HUNGARY: Geoff Robinson i/v Lajos Dokros, guest of Trade Development Board LIVE
00:7:30 TONGA: Geoff Robinson i/v Prof. Rutu Hela, of Atenisi College, on Tonga's election and system of government
0830 NEWS
00:00:0:30 SAFRICAN National Congress begin 3 day meeting to discuss future policies & role of Mandela. Ex RTR
00:00:7:43 SAFRICAN Conservative Party hopes to reverse reform process. Colin Feslier i/v Louis Otofbarg, Cons. Party LIVE
00:6:26 DRIVERS: Geoff Robinson i/v Adrian Roberts, driver trainer, on safer driving techniques LIVE
00:6:33 TRANQUILLIGERS: Kim Hill i/v Paul Dalen, lawyer, on proceedings in Dritain on behalf of tranquil. addicts LIVE
00:5:05 FRUIT & VEGES: Jack Forsyth with the weekly look at the fruit & vegetable market