Morning report. 1990-02-21

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
21 Feb 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0608 Ex Chkpt: Strike of meat industry's electrical staff.
0617 Ex Chkpt: Doctors face charges over cervical cancer prog.
0623 Ex BBC: Mafia kidnappings.
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Reintegretion of Homelands into S. African State.
0647 Peter Verschaffelt on Nat. Bank's analysis of the economy
0650 "Morning Comment":Communications consultant Ruth pidwell
0652 "Money Matters": Bronwen Evans i/v Philip McDermitt, Econ.
0700 NEWS
00:4:02 LABOUR Party seledcts Te Atatu candidate tonight. Clare de Lore/Michael Bassett, Te Atatu MP
00:00:3:38 SOCIAL Policy expert slams govt's unemployed policy. John Campbell i/v Prof Ian Shirley, Massey Uni
00:00:4:53 MINI-BUDGET called for to overcome uncertainty. Peter Verschaffelt/Peter Roger, BNZ Econ/Bob Mathew, businessman
00:00:3:08 AIDS still high profile health issue. Jane young i/v Helen Clark, Health Minister
00:00:2:01 SAMOA could look to NZ for more help in meeting needs after Cyclone. Jack Netzler, Chair. Samoa Spec. Rel. Comm.
00:00:4:12 TRANSPLANTATION of fetal tissue could be carried out in NZ. Sarah Kate Lynch i/v Dr Lewis King, Med Assn. Chair. LIVE
00:4:51 TRANSPLANT: Kim Hill i/v Carmel Armstrong, Pres. SPUC METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:00:3:49 SCHOOL donations in poorer areas have skyrocketed. Sarah Lockie LIVE
00:0:04 SCHOOL: Geoff Robinson i/v Clive Hesketh, Dep. Chair School Trustees Assn.
0810 LIVE
00:4:42 IRA: Geoff Robinson i/v John Coney, Dublin Corr.
00:00:3:08 NATIONAL's education policy under fire. Peter Aranyi LIVE
00:5:35 LABOURL: Kim Hill i/v Margaret Wilson, Former Lab. party Pres, & Head PM's advisory unit, returning to academia
00:00:3:50 CORRESPONDENCE Sch. says funding cuts mean part-time adult students will be turned away. Sarah Lockie
0830 NEWS
00:00:3:05 NETHERWORLD Dancing Toys deal will see latest album released across Europe. John Campbell i/v Nick Sampson LIVE
00:0:35 MUSIC: Kim Hill i/v Murray Hill, NZ National Music Conference organiser, on Conference in Christchurch
00:00:3:20 ELECTRICORP: Govt considering regulations to reveal contract prices. Rory Newsam i/v Drew Stein, Electricorp LIVE
00:6:11 POLITICIANS: Geoff Robinson i/v Ian McLean, Tarawera MP
00:00:2:07 LEGAL AID: Law Soc. propose ways of extending assistance Graham Cowley, Law Soc. Pres.