Morning report. 1990-05-15

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
15 May 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0608 Ex Chkot: Selection of teacher trainees.
0614 Ex BBC: Czechoslovakia since the peaceful revolution.
0618 C. Lawn/Black S. African leader visits Washington.
0620 C. Lawn/Wshgtn's US/NZ Council's Report on NZ Economy.
0623 Ex Chkpt: Australia/NZ relationship at crossroads.
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 "Morning Comment" : Trevor Roberts. Wellington Solicitor
0652 "Money Matters" : Margaret Inge - Consumers Inst. report
0700 NEWS
00:4:19 EARTHQUAKE specialists amazed that there was not more damage. Rory Newsam i/v Peter Johnstone, Consult. Engineer
00:00:3:29 EARTHQUAKE: Compensation claims from Earthquake & War Damages Commission. Michael Koop i/v John Falloon, HB MP
00:00:0:41 EARTHQUAKE & W.D. Comm says people will get about 80% of losses back.
00:00:2:19 EARTHQUAKE: People very edgy about future of the Shaky Isles. Michael Koop
00:00:5:00 UNITED Build. Soc. takeover by State Bank of South Aust. Peter Verschaffelt i/v Tim Marcus Clark. State Bank SA
00:00:2:04 GERMANY: Social Democrats victorious in 2 West German states in yesterday's election. Matt Fry BBC
00:00:1:56 EXPLOSION: IRA terrorist bomb explodes at army educ. college in Sth-East London. Keith Chalkley
00:00:1:44 AUSTRALIAN senior Ministers publically clash over economic policies. Phil Kafcaloudes
00:6:49 FIJI: Janice Aplin i/v Harish Sharma. Deputy Prime Min. in Bavandra Government. METROPOLITAN PAPERS LIVE
00:6:54 MITTERAND: Janice Aplin i/v Thea illegible Polynesian Liberation Front spokesperson, on Mitt. visit to Tahiti
00:00:1:24 ENVIRONMENTAL protestors at conference in Norway critical of Britain's record on acid rain. Alex Kirby. BBC
00:00:1:51 JORDAN: Dozens of people reported to have been injured in serious disturbances. Jim Muir BBC
00:1:42 OVERSTAYERS from a variety of countries to be expelled from NZ. Ron Quennell i/v George Wilson. Snr. Imm. Off
00:00:6:54 YUGOSLAVIA: Janice Aplin i/v Chris Cviic. Economist Magazine, on violence at soccer game yesterday
00:00:5:32 SOUTH PACIFIC focus at Otago Foreign Policy School Clare de Lore i/v Ron Crocombe. Prof. of Pacific Is. Aff. LIVE
00:6:26 PNG: Geoff Robinson i/v Meg Taylor. Papua New Guinea's ambassador to Washington
0830 NEWS
00:00:1:21 CHATHAMS: Govt announces plans for making Chat. Is. more self reliant. Gideon Porter LIVE
00:4:42 CHATHAMS: Geoff Robinson i/v Margaret Austin. Int. Aff. Min & Bunty Preece. Chairman. Chatham Is. County Council
00:00:2:42 BUSINESS Development Centres launched by govt. today. Peter Abernethy LIVE
00:6:22 BUSINESS: Geoff Robinson i/v Prof. George Yip. teacher of global strategy & business policy. Georgetown University LIVE
00:6:43 PARENT ADVOCACY: Janice Aplin i/v Sandi Peattie, Dir. of Secretariat supporting Parent Adv. Counc. launched today
00:00:2:45 RSA members in Sth. Is. upset over a few words that are bad reminders of war with Jacan. Michael Koop