Morning report. 1990-05-24

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
24 May 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0609 Ex Wayne Brittenden: Arms sales to Third World countries
0611 Ex Wayne Brittenden: Save the Children report on Israeli-Palestinian conflict
0613 Ex Checkpoint: Universities
0621 Ex BBC: Japanese PM going from strength to strength
0625 Good Morning Rural New Zealand
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0651 "Morning Comment" : Phyllis Guthardt, retired minister
0653 Money Matters: Phil Graham: import/export figures
0700 NEWS
00:4:59 ECONOMY optimism about future: Peter Verschaffelt i/v Andrew Crinlington, Mercantile Gazette
00:3:13 FIJI/Indian relations at new low as India closes embassy in Suva: Gyles Beckford i/v Harish Sharma Live
00:7:08 FIJI : Geoff Robinson i/v Richard Naidu, NZ based campaigner for democracy in Fiji
00:3:01 McKINNON claims patients with private health insurance discouraged using public hosps: Jane Young/Don McKinnon
00:3:33 AUCKLAND Area Health Board rejects discrimination claims Nick Hirst i/v Dr Bruce Gallop, Board Spkspn
00:1:42 SOVIET govt officials ready to hold referendum seeking support for radical economic reform: Kevin Connolly, BBC
00:4:58 AUST Treasurer says amalgamation of ANZ & National Mutual not in pulic interest: Peter Verschafelt/Don Jeffrey
00:3:15 CTU welcomes govt unemployment plans: Janice Rodenburg i/v Angela Foulkes METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:1:43 NATO says risk of attack by Soviet on West virtually eliminated by treaty: Harold Briley, BBC
00:1:24 US Secretary of Defence confirms safety problem with nuclear artillery shells based in Europe: Mark Laity, BBC
00:4:53 CLIVE James on brief visit to NZ: Peter Kingston
00:7:23 EMPLOYMENT plan: Kim Hill i/v Geoffrey Palmer, PM Live
00:6:33 HYSTERECTOMY new book: Kim Hill i/v Sandra Coney, Co-Auth
0830 NEWS Live CANADIAN province Quebec may split from rest of country: Geoff Robinson i/v Don Macpherson, The Gazette, Montreal
00:2:11 COAL company rejects claims by Maruia Society to stop licence on environmental grounds: Rory Newsam Live
00:4:04 GREYMOUTH Mayor: Kim Hill i/v Dr Barry Dallas
00:2:35 RADIO frequencies to be sold off: Porter / Steve Maharey
00:2:01 DUNKIRK flotilla of survivors from 1940 in reenactment: Keith Chalkley, London Live
00:5:10 FRUIT & Vegetable market : Jack Forsyth