Morning report. 1990-06-19

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
19 Jun 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0609 Ex ABC Correspondents Report: Israel
0614 Ex ABC Correspondents Report: Britain -unemployment rise
0618 Ex ABC Correspondents Report: Soviet Congress
0625 Ex Checkpoint: Fiji - i/v Don Dunstan
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 "Morning Comment" : Ken McCormack
0652 "Money Matters" Margaret Inge/Michael Stutchbury. Aust. Fin. Rev.
0700 NEWS
00:6:10 INTEREST rates: Reserve Bank moves to leave more money in the system. Peter Verschaffelt i/v Dr Don Brashj. Res. Bk. LIVE
00:4:26 INTEREST: Geoff Robinson i/v Peter Verschaffelt
00:00:4:00 INSURANCE rates for businesses on the rise. Peter Abernethy i/v Mike Ashby. Insurance Council
00:00:1:25 ROMANIA: Noisy demonstration in University Sq. Nicola Carslaw. BBC
00:00:2:47 ROMANIA: Security forces haven't moved against anti-govt protestors. Barnaby Price i/v Ion Pascu, Pres's Ch. Advis
00:00:1:50 BULGARIA: Supporters of reformed communist pty. celebrate their election victory. Malcolm Brabant BBC
00:00:1:29 UNEMPLOYED Aucklander who was on Holmes show. turns down job organised by Labour Dept. Paul Jackman
00:00:4:39 DRUGS policy covering all sport - Task Force to be set up. Rory Newsam i/v Eddie Tonks, Rugby Union Chairman
00:00:2:21 MT. EDEN prison security. Karen manganll i/v Humphrey Stroud. Mt. Eden prison superintendent METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:00:2:21 POLLS show 40 to 50% still undecided about vote in October election. Richard Griffin
00:00:2:10 LAWYERS trust funds - legal prof. tightening up on internal audits. Merle Nowland i/v Alan Ritchie. NZLSoc
00:00:2:15 CHAMPAGNE: Battle in High Court by French champagne producers on naming of sparkling wines. Marle Nowland
0810 LIVE
00:6:26 NAMIBIA: Geoff Robinson i/v Andimba Toivo ja Toivo, Sec. Gen. of namibia's ruling party SWAPO LIVE
00:7:25 CONTRACTING: Geoff Robinson i/v Maurice Ward. Chch Tramways Un. Pres., on contracting out council work
00:00:2:44 EMPLOYMENT Equity Bill expected to become law before elections. Tino pereira
00:00:7:32 DICTIONARY of NZ Biography launched last night. Michael Kopp i/v Bill oliver, Gen. Ed. of Dict. of NZ Biog.
0830 NEWS
00:00:1:53 TERTIRARY money changes won't be fully in place until 1992. Phil Goff, Educaiton minister
00:00:3:08 TERTIARY: Cant. Vice Chancellor says this will cause big difficulties. Rory Newsam i/v Bert Brownlie.C. Uni VC LIVE
00:6:33 SAVE THE CHILDREN: Kim Hill i/v Dr Robert Parsons. Save The Children Fund. on Conference later this month
00:00:3:07 ACTORS DISPUTE. Peter Abernethy i/v Janice patterson
00:00:2:58 RESTAURANT of the Year awards. Leigh Pearson LIVE
00:6:31 SMOKE-FREE: Kim Hill i/v Dr simon Chapman. Sydney Uni