Morning report. 1990-06-21

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
21 Jun 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0608 Ex Checkpoint: Marshalls -garbage dumping plans
0614 Ex Checkpoint: Fran Wilde on NZ's nuclear stance.
0621 Ex Checkpoint: Salmonella inquiry by AK Area Health Bd.
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 "Morning Comment": CH musician Martin Setchell
0652 "Money Matters: Margaret Inge. Insurance premiums
0700 NEWS
00:2:31 PRISONS: Legal move to block walkout by Chch prison officers. Rory Newsam/Jim Turner
00:00:2:40 PRISONS: Govt doesn't accept muster level at Paparua has reached crisis point. Jane Young i/v Bill Jeffries, JusMin LIVE
00:4:08 PRISON: Kim Hill i/v Dave Shaw, Chmn. Prison Officers sub-branch of PSA
00:00:5:54 INTEREST: ANZ bank reverses decision to lift interest rates. Peter Abernethy/Mike O'Neill, ANZ GM Ret. Bnk.
00:00:3:18 INTEREST: Finance Min. praises decisions of ANZ & Nat. Banks. Clare de Lore i/v David Caygill, Fin. Min
00:00:2:35 MOSCOW: Attack on Pres. Gorbachev's leadership. Bridget Kendall. BBC
00:00:1:31 MANDELA gets tumultuous welcome in New York. Connie Lawn.
00:00:1:48 NATIONAL: Laurie Wicks candidate for West Ak. Erin Kearney/Wicks/Ross Armstrong
00:00:3:25 TAIWANESE Co. promises investors in Upper Hutt plan, fast track entry into NZ. John Campbell METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:00:1:17 HONG KONG: Former Tauranga lawyer Warwick Reid faces corruption charges in Hong Kong court. Karen Jones
00:00:2:27 BEARDS: Air NZ pilots want their beards back. Peter Abernethy i/v Geoff Ogilivie, Airline Pilots Assn.
00:00:2:22 SECURITY companies welcome moves to appoint court secur. consultant. Merle Nowland i/v Ray Beatson, Security Assn. LIVE
00:5:33 FINGERPRINTS: Geoff Robinson i/v Insp. John Burt, PolHdo.
0810 LIVE
00:4:26 PLO: Geoff Robinson i/v Connie Lawn. Pres. Bush suspending US dialogue with PLO
00:00:3:13 ROMANIAN children - adoption, Jane Young i/v Michael Cullen, Social Welfare Minister LIVE
00:6:33 FIJI: Geoff Robinson i/v Sam Thompson, correspondent
00:00:2:31 MOTOR registration. Tino Pereira i/v Maurice McTigue Opposition transport spokesman.
00:00:3:56 ROADS: Cuts to national roads budget, Clare de Lore i/v David Caygill, Fin. Min
00:7:18 ASTHMA: Kim Hill i/v Les Heads, former worker at Tiwai Aluminium smelter who has potroom asthma
00:00:3:44 POUERUA PA subdivision plans - objections flood in. Adam Gifford i/v Doug Sutton, Ak. Uni arch. lecturer
00:00:4:17 EARTHQUAKE predicted for Wtn. region - sometime. Michael Kopp
00:00:1:39 SKATEBOARDS: Legislation to control use of skateboards in public places. Jane Young i/v Geoff Braybrook Napier MP
00:00:4:38 WHO expert on tobacco ads. & health. Nona Pelletier i/v David Russell, Consumers Inst. LIVE
00:5:05 FRUIT & VEGE: Graeme Feasey with the weekly look at the fruit and vegetable market