Morning report. 1990-06-29

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
29 Jun 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex "Checkpoint" : Zambia wracked by violence
0616 Ex BBC: Garasimov on economic aid from West
0618 Ex "Checkpoint" : Bouganville peace efforts
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 "Morning Comment" : Wn cleric Ray Oppenheim
0652 "Marketing Bit" : Geoff/ rally driver, Pat Norris.
0700 NEWS
00:3:03 BUSINESS confidence up according to Nat Bank survey: Peter Verschaffelt
00:4:21 PALMER arrives in Australia to seal phase II of CER relationship: Richard Griffin, RNZ Political Editor
00:1:57 DUNEDIN Anglican Diocese not concerned over Bishop Vercoe's position: Merle Nowland/The Rev David Best
00:3:38 ANGLICAN Māori Mission Chairperson says Bishop Vercoe's stance raises questions: Peter Everett/Kuni Jenkins
00:2:34 JAMIESON uncertain about her standing in international Anglican communion: Merle Nowland / Dr Penny Jamieson Live
00:5:43 CHAMBERLAIN appointed as special envoy in current round of GATT negotiations: Geoff Robinson / Brian Chamberlain
00:2:23 EQUITCORP case Mr Justic Wylie reserves decision after hearing submission: Peter Verschaffelt Live
00:2:39 FIRE destroys Orongorongo Lodge : Kim i/v Heather Church
00:2:44 FIJI - CTU says NZ govt should protest over attack of leading Fijian unionist: Janice Rodenberg/Ross Burgess METROPOLITAN PAPERS Live
00:6:37 GERMANY Reunification : Kim Hill i/v Dr Ulrich Briefs, Member of Green Party visiting NZ
00:1:16 TELESCOPE US sent up in space not working as astronomers hoped: Judy Lessing
00:3:32 CLARK unimpressed by lastest Metro article on National Womens Hospital: Clare de Lore i/v Helen Clark, Hlth Min
00:1:23 CANTERBURY Law Society says not helpful to have matter stirred up again: Jocelyn Darling i/v Gilbert Hay, CLS
00:1:50 CRIME figures for Britain show dramatic increase-most dramatic since records began: Keith Chalkley, London
00:2:50 ROPER not surprised at US figures putting NZ third for rate of young male homocides: Cecily McNeill/Mike Simpson
00:2:03 ELECTORAL rolls available today for electors to check details: Gideon Porter i/v Murray Wicks, Elect Enrol ctre Live
00:7:26 US assistant Bishop of Boston: Geoff Robinson i/v Barbara Harris visiting NZ for Dr Jamieson's ordination
0830 NEWS Live
00:5:33 ELAM School of Fine Arts celebrates it's centenary: Kim Hill i/v Don Binney, former pupil and Senior Tutor
00:1:18 OECD sees light at end of economic tunnel for NZ: Peter Verschaffelt Live
00:5:31 ALEXANDER Turnbell Library marks 70th anniversary: Geoff Robinson i/v Sharon Dell, ATL
00:2:47 PORNOGRAPHY legislation being rushed through by govt: Cecily McNeill i/v Arthur Everard, Chief Censor
00:3:18 WAITANGI Trib to split in three report into Ngai Tahu claim: Adam Giffored iv Judge Ashley McHugh Live
00:5:05 OZ SPOT: Kim Hill i/v Phil Kafcaloudes