Morning report. 1990-07-16.

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
16 Jul 1990
RNZ Collection
Hill, Kim, 1955-, Presenter
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Reich, Dennis, 1947-1995, Editor
Corbett, Maree, Producer
Lee, Mike, Producer
Aplin, Janice, Producer
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Presenter

0600 News/Sport
0608 Ex Michael Dodd: East European refugees
0614 Ex BBC: South African communist party
0619 Ex BBC: Brazil's street kids
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 "Morning Comment": WN computer specialist Noel Cheer
0652 Jim Higgins: Network security 2.
0700 NEWS
00:4:23 TRIBES gather in Ngaruawahia to put seal of approval on new Māori national congress. Adam Gifford/Pat Hohepa LIVE
00:7:08 GERMANY: Kim Hill i/v Peter Jenkins. political commentator with Independent newspaper LIVE
00:6:35 AVIATION: Geoff Robinson i/v Tom Riddell. Aviation Industry Assn. on new civil aviation charges
00:00:3:21 INFLATION: June quarter CPI due out this morning. Peter Verschaffelt
00:00:1:36 DEFENCE job controversy likely to surface again this week Tino Pereira
00:00:3:09 NZ POST increased profit. Timothy O'Brien METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:00:2:06 GERMAN: Chancellor Kohl visits Soviet Union. Kevin Connoly. BBC LIVE
00:5:45 INDIA: Kim Hill i/v Raj Vasil, political scientist. Victoria Uni. on India's fragile coalition govt.
00:00:1:50 KENNEDYS: Rose Kennedy celebrates 100th birthday. Judy Lessing
00:00:0:47 POPE spending 10 days in Val d'Aosta in Italian Alps
0810 LIVE
00:6:47 MāORI CONGRESS: Geoff Robinson i/v Mason Durie. Congress Chairman Apirana Mahuika
00:00:2:33 FIJI unionist & Opposition Coalition member visiting NZ Tino Pereira i/v Mahendra Chaudry
00:00:2:01 COOK IS. PM suggests new look at NZ's defence obligations Fraser Folster LIVE
00:6:37 NEW CALEDONIA: Geoff Robinson i/v Rock Wamyton, Kanak Independence movement. FLNKS. visiting NZ
00:00:3:22 JEWS in Soviet Union desperate to leave. Sarah Lockie i/v Janet Salek, Chair. Wtn. Regional Jewish Council
0830 NEWS
00:00:3:10 CHILDCARE facilities now responsibility of Min. of Education. Sarah Lockie i/v Helen Ritchie, Min'stry Educ. LIVE
00:6:37 SWEDEN: Kim Hill i/v Bengt Lindgvist, Sweden's Minister for Social Services and family affairs, blind since teens
00:00:3:30 NUCLEAR weapons legality. Gerard Counsell i/v Edward St. John, retired Sydney Queens Counsel
00:00:3:56 THAILAND: NZers caught in card game scam. Tino Pereira i/v Yan Flint. NZ Embassy in Bangkok LIVE
00:4:50 WOMEN: Geoff Robinson i/v Dana Glendinning. Convenor of United Women's Convention