Morning report. 1990-07-27

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
27 Jul 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex "Checkpoint": Fiji - new constitution.
0615 Ex "Checkpoint": Australia - surrogate motherhood
0618 Ex BBC: Soviet govt proposes sweeping changes
0620 Ex BBC: Nth. & Sth. Korea sign historic agreement.
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ: See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Pacific Regional News: Ex RNZ International
0650 "Morning Comment": Elizabeth Isischei, Victoria Uni
0652 "Marketing": Andy Ramsay, Fiordland Lobster Factory Mgr.
0700 NEWS
00:4:42 PRISON staff at Invercargill incensed at report of an inquiry at jail. Janice Rodenburg i/v Ian Campbell. PSA
00:00:1:36 PRISONS: Man just released from Waikeria Prison tells of corruption & violence. Karlum Lattimore i/v John Bower
00:00:4:40 JAPAN: PM Geoffrey Palmer visiting Japan. Clare de Lore
00:00:3:37 CORRESPONDENCE School funding cuts. Rory Newsam i/v Alan Dodds, Corres. School
00:00:2:50 EDUCATION advertising campaign. Sarah Lockie i/v Phil Goff, Education Minister
00:00:1:22 OPPOSITION critical of glossy campaign. Peter Aranyi i/v Lockwood Smith, Opposition Education spokesman
00:00:2:59 NZ SHEARER shocked after shooting incident in West Aust. Gideon Porter i/v John Shea. Perth.
00:5:26 FRINGE BENEFIT TAX: Geoff Robinson i/v Gordon Copeland Catholic diocese Wtn., on new legislation
00:00:2:55 SHAREBROKER says govt stage-managed the budget. Peter Abernethy i/v John Gallacher, sharebroker METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:00:1:25 OPEC Meeting Geneva today. Christopher Powell BBC
00:00:2:13 SAFRICA: Row over plan for armed insurrection. Mike Wooldridge, BBC LIVE
00:5:33 MOHAWKS: Kim Hill i/v Don McPherson, columnist with Montreal Gazette, on Mohawk protest near Montreal.
0810 LIVE
00:5:27 GREENS: Kim Hill i/v Alan Hallette, Green Party media co-ordinator
00:00:3:37 ACC claim by Ak. woman who lost family in accident, to be re-submitted. Janice Rodenburg i/v Vince Morel, ACC
00:00:2:40 DOCTORS react both for & against new govt. contracts. Cecily McNeill/Fran McGrath/Lewis King
00:00:2:34 DOCTOR in Ch'ch says he can now offer free care to everyone. Karlum Lattimore/Dr Don McLeod/Dr Kerr LIVE
00:5:07 DOCTORS: Kim Hill i/v Lawrence Malcolm. Professor of community health at Wtn. Medical School
0830 NEWS
00:00:3:37 PNG govt. & rebel govt on Bougainville to meet on Sunday Richard Griffin LIVE
00:5:36 PNG: Geoff Robinson i/v Sean Dorney, Port Moresby
00:00:2:49 COMMERCE Comm. & Consumers Inst. criticise new business merger laws. Sarah Morton i/v David Butcher, Commerce Min LIVE
00:5:36 BOOKS: Geoff Robinson i/v Margaret Berketa, Brighton City Library. Adelaide, on book project
00:00:3:13 TAX COLLECTORS power increased by Appeal Court Decision Peter Abernethy i/v David Cuthbert. Civ. Lib. Council LIVE
00:5:05 OZ SPOT: Phil Kafcaloudes with the events across the Tasman this week