Morning report. 1990-08-06

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
06 Aug 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex ABC: The Soviet Economy.
0613 Ex ABC: Control of Kurile Is's. by Soviet Union or Japan
0618 Ex ABC: Aust's Foreign Min. Gareth Evans on arms exports.
0622 Ex Money Matters: Countdown no frills Supermarkets.
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 "Morning Comment" : Julie Marshall, Wellington nurse
0652 "Hi Tech" : Jim Higgins, NZ Computer Soc. on Networks.
0700 NEWS
00:2:05 LIBERIA: US Marines land in Liberia to evacuate US Citizens from its embassy. Elizabeth Blunt, BBC LIVE
00:4:17 LIBERIA: Geoff Robinson i/v Connie Lawn
00:00:2:10 IRAQ faces almost universal condemnation for invasion of Kuwait. Christopher Gunness, BBC
00:00:0:47 IRAQ says economic boycotts wouldn't make it give up its aims. Reader
00:00:3:25 IRAQ: US analysts examine options Washington has to contain the crisis. Judy Lessing
00:00:1:34 PNG-BOUGAINVILLE peace talks end with "Endeavour Accord" Fraser Folster/Sir Micheal Somare, PNG negotiator
00:00:1:17 PNG: Fraser Folster i/v Joeseph Kabui, Bougainville Idr LIVE
00:4:05 PNG: Geoff Robinson i/v Fraser Folster
00:5:47 INTEREST: Kim Hill i/v David Caygill, Finance Min.
00:00:1:11 POLYTECH: Head of Northland Polytech suspended. Sarah Lockie i/v Noel Harrison, suspended Polytech Head
00:00:1:27 POLYTECH: Noel Harrison taking advice on future options Lois Williams i/v Noel Harrison
00:00:1:58 POLYTECH: Min. of Education says suspension is the least the Council could do. Sarah Lockie i/v Phill Goff, Ed Min METROPOLITAN PAPER
00:00:4:58 STH. PAC. FORUM: NZ & Aust. criticise Fiji's constitution Kevin McQuillan i/v Bernando Vinimbombo, Fiji Trade Min
00:2:55 SURVEY shows budget had minor effect on voter intentions Richard Griffin
00:00:3:58 GREEN vote-no party seems to have clear edge. Michael kopp i/v Cath Wallace, Environ. & Conserv. Organisations LIVE
00:5:58 GATT: Geoff Robinson i/v Mike Moore, For. Aff.& Tde Min LIVE
00:5:21 CAMBODIA: Kim Hill i/v Chris Hawley, Co-Dir. of VSA
0830 NEWS
00:00:1:58 PSA Biennial Conference in Wtn. this week. Janice Rodenburg i/v Sue Piper PSA Pres. LIVE
00:5:28 DRINK DRIVE: Kim Hill i/v James Mosher, expert on alcohol abuse from US
00:00:3:46 CANING debate goes on. Sarah Lockie LIVE
00:5:42 SPRINKLERS: Geoff Robinson i/v Ron Coleman, leading US firefighter in NZ for launch of new standard
00:00:2:11 FRUIT WINE producer angry that NZ produced fruit wine won't be sold in supermarkets. Nan Ward i/v Brian Hirst