Morning report. 1990-09-27

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
27 Sep 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex "Ckpt" - ABC's John Highfield reports from Moscow
0615 Ex "Ckpt" : Study on drugs for the elderly. Jenny Davies
0618 Keeping traders honest. Nona Pelletier/Andrew Bryant.
0620 Coastwatch operation launched in Auckland. Peter Kingston
0623 Tourism - who Should pay for promotion? Nick Early
0625 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 "Morning Comment" : Norman McLean, Gisborne teacher
0652 "Money Matters": Margaret Inge. Economy & high oil prices
0700 NEWS
0705 LIVE
00:0:31 INTEREST RATES: Geoff Robinson i/v Peter Verschaffelt LIVE
00:7:40 NATIONAL: Kim Hill i/v Dick Griffin, on campaign trail
00:00:1:47 CAMPAIGNING stepping up with election less than a month away.
00:00:2:10 PETROL price rises. Rory Newsam
00:00:1:23 GREENPEACE despatches flagship to Kolar Peninsula. Harold Brierly, BBC
00:00:2:22 RHINO threatened by China's persistence in using rhino horn for traditional medicines. Peter Byles in Nairobi
00:5:24 AIR NZ: Geoff Robinson i/v Tino Pereira on new moves METROPOLITAN PAPERS
00:00:3:04 AUSTRALIAN farmers desperate for financial relief. John Shovelin i/v Rick Farley, Austn. Farmers Fed. Exec. Dir.
00:00:2:02 GULF: UN Gen. Assem. meets in New York. Mark Brayne BBC
00:00:1:29 SOVIET news agency Tass critical of hygiene in Western restaurants. Kevin Connolly, BBC
00:00:2:02 VIETNAMESE boat people in Hong Kong seen as illegal immigrants. Robert Lewin, UN. High Comm. for Refugees, HK
00:00:2:40 DRIFTNETTING: Environment Min. determined to push on with battle. Janice Rodenburg i/v Geoffrey Palmer, Environ. Min
00:3:18 FISHING: Govt announces changes for new commercial fishing year. Paul Jackman
00:00:1:29 FISHING Industry Assn. says announcement could result in job losses. Peter Abernethy i/v Peter Talley, Pres.
00:00:1:24 MāORI FISHERIES Commission prepares to receive its 2-and-a-half % of quota. Adam Gifford
00:00:0:15 AK. MAYORALTY: More than a dozen aspiring candidates Peter Kingstonn LIVE
00:5:06 AK. MAYORALTY: Kim Hill i/v Dr Graham Bush, Pol. Scientist
00:00:2:35 BUILDING: Master Build. Fed. says building industry is threatened. Peter Verschaffelt i/v Trevor Allsbrook.
00:6:35 WESTERN SAMOA: Geoff Robinson i/v Tupua Tamesese, Opp. Ldr
00:00:2:22 NATIONAL Party's election campaign in South Island. Peter Aranyi i/v Jim Bolger, Nat. Pty. Ldr.
00:00:3:17 CANCER Soc. sceptical of latest govt. moves. Cecily McNeill i/v Prof. Michael Cooper, Otago Area Health Bd. LIVE
00:4:18 OZ FOOD: Kim Hill i/v Charles Novells, Exec. Chef at Park Royal Hotel, Christchurch LIVE
00:5:06 FRUIT & VEGES: Jack Forsythe with the weekly look at the fruit and vegetable market